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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Hi Everyone!
I seriously can't believe how fast the months are going. Donnie has very successfully finished 17 treatments. He has 7 more to go, then on July 5th we will start going monthly instead of weekly! Even though everything has gone very well, it will be FANTASTIC to only go to Mayo for his treatment once a month. Donnie has done so well with his treatments with no side affects, PRAISE GOD!!!!!
On July 5th, Donnie will do his lab work, get one shot and he'll get his trial drug or placebo which is an IV drip. I'm sure we will also see one or more of the doctors that Donnie sees which includes a Hematologist, Nephrologist, Neurologist, Cardiologist and the lead doctor.
We are so blessed with many specialists at Mayo that form a team to take excellent care of Donnie. The week of May 27th there is a conference on Amyloidosis at the Rochester Civic Center. Doctors from around the world will be attending.  That Thursday afternoon is set aside for Amyloidosis patients so we will be attending. I'm excited to hear all the progress they are making with this disease. The conference has been in other countries the last few years so to have it  in our country when we are already in Rochester is God's beautiful hand at work again. 
Donnie has been keeping busy now that its nicer outside. He's been working on a friend’s lawn mower, mowing our grass and has the garden tilled and is SO EXCITED to plant it. He still has a lot of farm boy in him!!! Of course, his projects take him longer than they normally would because he can't move as fast as he used to because of the amyloid around his heart but he just does what he can and loves being outside in his shop or yard. We are getting out more now that the flu season is ending, but still being careful. It's SO GOOD to see our kids and grandkids more often than we did this winter. 
I will close this journal with some prayer requests, praises and a verse that has been shared with us.
But before I do, I want to make sure each one of you know how much your prayers, verses, words of encouragement, cards,  phone calls and acts of kindness have blessed both Donnie and I. Going through life with great friends is such a blessing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


  1. That Donnie's body is tolerating his treatments
  2. That the Amyloid is OUT of his plasma cells
  3. That he has such amazing, kind care at Mayo
  4. That he has improved so much since January 

Prayer requests:

  1. Continued safe travels
  2. That Donnie continues to do great with his treatments and doesn't develop any side affects
  3. That his kidney and heart heal completely
  4. That he stays healthy

Psalm 100:1-5

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. 

Leane G.

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