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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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It’s been a week since my last posting and I’ll likely only be doing weekly postings until mid-December unless something goes astray.


It has now been six weeks since the surgery and the recovery goes forward as expected.


Thanks to your many well wishes on this blog as well as in private emails and cards, I was highly motivated to study really hard to pass my blood tests this past week.


I got “A”s in everything except tests related to red blood standards.


Scores for things like red blood count, hemoglobin and hematocrit came back with grades of around “C-“.


I’ll have to study harder next time in order to eliminate the slightly anemic condition that currently exists in my blood.


The red blood scores are slightly low, but nothing dramatic and mostly expected given the surgery and internal bleeding that affected me over the last few weeks.


I return for more tests next Wednesday.


The best news in my test scores was that my thyroid appears to have switched back on and the doctor gave me a “thumbs up” on that.  There was some concern about the thyroid kicking back into gear after being asleep for that long during the surgery.


I reported last week that I was dealing with some numbness in three of my fingers of my left hand.  


I sense maybe a tiny bit of improvement, but having read Janet’s comment about her entire year of nerve damage from a knee surgery, I think I’m going to have to be patient.


Interestingly, Janet’s posting is the first thing that I have read about this particular problem cropping up after surgery.  In none of the books or articles about open-heart surgery was this particular issue ever mentioned.


Thanks for the input Janet.


I don’t have “official” approval yet, but I suspect that I’ll be starting cardiac rehabilitation come early December.  Typically, the program lasts for about three months.


That timetable assures me that it would be best for me to not plan on attending the NAHU Annual Capitol Conference this year.


So, to the number of NAHU members that are following this blog, have fun without me.


This means that I will have missed last summer’s annual convention and this winter’s legislative conference, but I’ll almost for certain be able to attend the NAHU June annual convention being held this year in San Diego.


As NASCAR Jim posted, I’m alerting my NAHU friends to be prepared for my return.


You have been warned.


My recovery has limited my ability to do our usual Thanksgiving activities, which for the last few years has been annually planned from a “Bucket List” of ideal Thanksgiving ideas.


So, we will have a relatively quiet day, but a thankful one none-the-less.


I wasn’t certain a few weeks ago as to whether I would even be up and around for this Thanksgiving. I’m thankful that I am.


Along with our family’s usual list of things to be thankful for, I want to send to all of you a special “Thank You” for your many well wishes, prayers and supportive comments.


May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving in your home as well.

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