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From both of us. Glad to be kept in the loop to find out how you and Andy are doing.
Diana and Eilif Trondsen | Jan 27, 2022
Catherine Freed | Jan 25, 2022
From a member of Diana Ray's support team. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. May 2022 turn a corner to better health!
Karen Campbell | Jan 25, 2022
Diana and Andy, I can't put into words my admiration for you and your family. You are so young to possess such wisdom. I want to say something to make the hurt and worry go away but of course, that is beyond me. My heart goes with you.
Sandy Sabo | Jan 25, 2022
joe & Jane Beatty | Jul 3, 2021
Good news, so glad it is over. And very sorry about Liliis hand
Verne Larson | Jul 1, 2021
Blessings and cheers to and for Diana! With love and the very best of good wishes.
Terry Cauthorn | Jul 1, 2021
Cheers to the bravest person we know on her upcoming 40th birthday! We love you and admire you so much sweet Diana Ray. God Bless You today and every other day.
Love, Uncle Joe and Aunt Pat | Jun 28, 2021
I am cheering for you!Prayers are right in front of the cheer. You are an amazing young lady.
Sandy Sabo | Jun 28, 2021
This news is so encouraging to hear, incredible that cancer research has enabled doctors to save lives in the most dire cases. Prayers that your next procedure will give you back a somewhat normal life. Love Pat Carder.
Patricia Carder | May 16, 2021