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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Hi everyone! This update has been long overdue and our family apologizes for the lack of updates. The last few weeks have been crazy, hard, long, emotional and yet, productive. To be blunt, the treatment has been VERY hard on Mom and has taken quite a bit out of her. The good news is she is finished with treatment! Praise God! She will have scans in a couple months to confirm the cancer is gone! 
How is she doing? 
Well, mentally- good for what all she has been thru. She is stubborn and in normal Denise fashion, she has handled this all her way. But she is mentally better than I think most people in her shoes would be. 
Physically.....that is a different story. She has lost a significant amount of weight. She was little before this journey so her losing 20 lbs looks like alot more. She is very weak. She has lost her voice (temporarily while her throat heals). She has lost some hair, only in the back though. She is very very tired, very out of it most of the time due to exhaustion and medication. She had a very strong last dose of chemo last Tuesday which in her words, kicked her ass. She couldn't keep anything down and was getting infusions twice a week. This has not been easy for her and she is ready to get back to her normal. She is still very sick and has no voice so if you reach out to her and she doesnt respond, please know she is still picking herself back up from everything. It is anticipated that it may take a month or longer for her to recoup to half the strength she was prior. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Although we didnt update as often as we wanted, we want everyone to know we appreciate anyone who is on this journey with our family! 

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