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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Yesterday was one the hardest days we have had yet. Mom continued to work so hard with her breathing and was breathing three times the normal rate. They obtained another blood gas yesterday morning and found her blood oxygen level had dropped tremendously. She was moved to ICU on the 2nd floor and they continued to try to improve things by keeping her on the BiPAP, but this was just not getting mom the oxygen that she needed. As a family, along with the doctor’s guidance, it was decided Mom needed to be put on the ventilator. Mom was alert enough to understand that this is what's best for her right now. The doctor explained to us, and Mom, that it was better for her to have this done now while it is a routine procedure than when it becomes emergent. This was going to be a rest period for her body, and she would be able to get the oxygen her body needs. As most people know any time someone is put on a ventilator you run the risk of not ever coming back off. Mom understood this, and she told us that she was not going to give up this fight!!



More labs were drawn so they could rule out any underlying issue that might have been causing her difficulty breathing, other than the cancer and infection in her lung. All of her lab work looked good except for her lactic acid level. This marker, as the doctor tried to explain to us, is a level that elevates when there is possibly dying tissue in your body. They were worried with Moms blood pressure dropping that she may have lost some blood flow to her bowel causing it to die. A CT scan of her belly was required to confirm this. This was pretty much the last box that needed to be checked off to establish whether it was just the cancer and infection causing her issues, or something more. Luckily the CT scan was clear, and they did not see anything concerning in her belly. She does have bilateral pneumonia. This was a relief because now they can focus on getting her the antibiotics she needs and hopefully start working towards getting her off the ventilator.


Today is a new day and Mom had a good night. She got the rest she needed overnight and today around 12:30 pm they removed all sedation. She has been awake and is communicating with us and the nurse by nodding her head. They will continue to work with her and hopefully they will eventually be able to remove her from the ventilator. All her vital signs are looking good as well.


This is a day by day process and Mom needs a lot of uplifted prayer right now. She is not out of the woods yet, but we know that she is a warrior in this battle. God has His hands on her and will take care of her. Thank you to everyone that has called, sent messages or stopped by to see the family. This is a time that we need all of your support and we are so gracious for the family and friends we have. We will continue to keep everyone updated as time goes on.

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