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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Update on my Uncle 
Quick Update:  Jesus is speaking EXTRAORDINARY miracles while the doctors are giving us a lot of discouraging news.  We are honoring and praying for the medical staff but we are trusting Jesus with the ultimate outcome.   My Uncle was continually getting better prior to surgery yesterday and the doctors expect him to rest most of today.   His surgery went very well.  They weren't sure he would make it so praise Jesus!  Our hope is not in miracles but is in Jesus whose ways are higher than our ways.  Bringing His kids into His Kingdom and closer to Him may be what He considers an extraordinary miracle.  Your continued prayers for our family are deeply appreciated.  May His perfect will be done and we accept whatever that is.  May we be delivered from all doubt and fear.  God bless you!  
Long Update: 
First I want to give thanks and glory to King Jesus for without Him, I don't think many of us would be reading this.  I know I wouldn't.  He is the one that has continually helped me and many in my family to overcome the tragedies of this life.  My Uncle had open heart surgery 18 months ago.  He hasn't felt very well the last few weeks.  His heart surgeon told him these were normal symptoms.  Sidenote - listen to your still small voice that speaks life.  On Wednesday, Uncle David was acting strangely.  Baby and I went for a walk and we were both asking the Lord what He wanted to do in this situation.  He said to Baby that All things are possible and He told me He was able.   Baby and I didn't ask what the Lord was saying to us until later so I'm very encouraged by this.  We came back from our walk, Uncle David had a seizure and we called 911 and had him taken to the hospital.  That night before I went to bed, I was reminded that in the book of Acts, believers performed EXTRAORDINARY miracles.  The next morning I felt led to proclaim that my uncle would live and not die and got deeply touched when I spoke it.  Our words are powerful.  Scripture says we are made in His image. Jesus promised we would do greater things than He did.  It also says that decreeing and declaring a thing and it shall be established.  A man was going door to door handing out books on Peace right as the ambulance pulled up to our house.  I heard a dove as I left the house to go to the hospital and I heard one when I left.  I take that as an I love you from Jesus.  My cousin came to see my uncle and we got to spend time together.  Your prayers for he and his family would be appreciated.  They could use an extraordinary miracle.  God is not a respecter of persons.  If He has done something for one person, He can do it for another so if you are in need of an EXTRAORDINARY miracle, Jesus and my prayers are with you.  I'd feel more encouraged that He is praying for us.  lol  My Uncle was placed in the same room my grandmother died many years ago.  We don't know what that means, but we know our Lord is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask for imagine.  My grandmother was such a great woman of faith, maybe there is some residual glory in that room.  I can tell you that many prayers were said there.  lol  On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

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