Help David Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers David’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 24 donors who have made a donation in honor of David.

We are grateful to receive the updates Meg Posts and know it would be very hard for Meg to keep up with out this remarkable organization. Continuing our Prayer Vigil.
Tom & Barbara Weiher | Sep 15, 2021
David and Meg, you are always in our prayers. You are an incredibly strong couple. Praying for a healthy recovery soon.
Neil & Marnie | Sep 13, 2021
David, Praying for daily improvement in your health. We send our love and hugs!! Keep battling!!
Boz and Sue | Sep 8, 2021
You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
Sue Lanser | Sep 7, 2021
Best of wishes for continued healing!
Love, Sid and Ellie Greenfield | Sep 7, 2021
David we're sending love and hope. We know you are strong and courageous and we're rooting for you in this challenge!
Liz and Don Maruyama | Sep 7, 2021
We are praying for you and David and your family… and wisdom for the Dr's
Mike LuAnn Olson | Sep 6, 2021
Know we walk with you in prayer
Mike Krutza | Sep 6, 2021
Thinking of you David and praying for a strong recovery. Prayers continue for Megan as well, for strength and courage. Blessings and or love.
Jim & Peggy marshall | Sep 6, 2021
David, I have been encouraged to hear how well you are doing. Have faith in our heavenly Father. We certainly do not know his plans for us, but know that He has it all under control. Continue to rest as the doc's want, but keep the fighting spirit!
John Miller | Sep 5, 2021