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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Its been awhile since I updated-so sorry. Dave is doing well. He is making progress for sure. He is talking now. He always knows who everyone is. But he still has confusion, mostly regarding his situation.

The first time I heard him talk I was there with John and Bernie. He said “Well lets get the $#@! out of here!”  I said “David, you can’t leave yet.” He says “Why not? Go get me a soda then.” I had to tell him I couldn’t do that either. So he doesn’t really grasp his physical condition.

The nurses all say he is a handful but very funny. The other day one said she came in the room that morning and he told her he had gotten her a present (so typically Dave lol :) and when she asked what it was he told her the cat in the corner, she could have it. So he keeps them in stitches.

He can get quite agitated also though. He wants so badly to get up, go somewhere. They say they are getting him to stand up, trying to move towards walking again. I just don’t know if I really believe that. Every time I go he is restrained, tied down.

I understand they have to do that for his safety. He pulled his PICC line out last week/week before. That can be dangerous as its an open vein thing. But there has to be a break from that.

Today the nurse said she was trying to wean him completely from sedation but it is a slow process, a little at a time. I think he will be more lucid and able to follow commands once he is completely off the sedation. And the problem will solve itself. But what do I know about all that? Not much.

So next Tuesday Nancy-Dave's sister-will be in town and we scheduled a meeting with the case manager. I will find out what the next goal is and how things are supposed to progress.

I know he has made amazing progress and proved the one doctor wrong I encountered one evening, who thought his prognosis was “very bad.”

So that's where things stand right now. Oh, he can have ice chips now! Which is a step forward. So keep the good thoughts and prayers coming-they are working. And visit when possible, I think the visits are the only stimulation he gets. I could be wrong intuition has always been spot on. So WE will heal him-they can take care of the technical stuff.

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