Help Dave Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Dave’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 31 donors who have made a donation in honor of Dave.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Praying for a miracle.
Arlena Roshel | Nov 21, 2022
Dave & Kim, we love you both, and we're praying for God's continued grace, peace, and mercy on you and your family. Be blessed in Jesus' name.
Your brother & Sister in Christ, Scott & Connie Payne | Nov 7, 2022
Angie Thrift | Nov 6, 2022
Congratulations on David's wedding!! Keeping you our hearts and prayers constantly!!
Kathy Green | Oct 31, 2022
Prayers are being lifted up to our Heavenly Father for you, Dave, and for those who administer your care. We praise the one true God for the positives Kim reported in her journal entry! Love and prayers for you both!
Jessie and Rex Ireland | Oct 1, 2022
Thank you for Col2:7 You don't have any idea how you both continue to be such a blessing to us! Covering you with His everlasting comfort and peace.
Tom and Jeanine Weger | Oct 1, 2022
I continue to pray for Dave and Kim and thank God for all the good things that have happened so far in this journey. Thank you Lord for the way you have used Dave and Kim to bless me.
Your Friend, Sam Warren | Sep 11, 2022
We love you, Dave and Kim!
Bob And Marlene English | Aug 31, 2022
Thank you Caringbridge for caring for our friends and loved ones in this special way!
Susan and Mike Mardis | Aug 19, 2022
Thank you for the marvelous ministry of Caring Bridge that makes communication more convenient among loved ones.
Ziden Nutt | Aug 17, 2022