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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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As I watched my husband drive away in his big truck this morning, I remembered the Paramedics driving him away a year ago today. I didn’t know I wouldn’t be able to see him or talk to him for two months!  What seemed Hopeless WASN’T!!!  We had Hope in Jesus!!!
It has been on my heart and mind to send up Praises and Thanksgiving to God and all of you as Closure on this anniversary. If you don’t see Daryl  very often,  he is a moving Testimony!  He surprised me last week when he asked me to hand him a pillow to support his head.  He just wanted to relax while watching a movie with me. BUT  Strong memories of him unable to hold his head up for even a minute returned to me, but HE had no memory  of it!  WE REMEMBER!!!  I want to remind us of all the miracles Gods did in answer to our prayers, so in this year we will be encouraged to GREATER PRAYERS!
One year ago when the Paramedics came to take this man, gasping for breath, to the Hospital, he summoned his strength to put his hand on the expectant belly of our dear daughter in law and quietly said, “I just want to see this little baby boy.”  We all were in tears.  Three and a half months later Daryl miraculously came home at about 10:30 one morning and our precious newborn Grandbaby came home from the Hospital about 2:00 the same day!!!  It was the 21st of April and doctors had told us Daryl couldn’t possibly come home before the end of 2022, “If  he made it!”  Well, he certainly made it with God’s help!!!
When the Paramedics took Daryl to the Hospital, he was not put into a room until January 9th. He was put on the 5 th floor, ICU, in the very same Hospital 2 years TO THE DAY, that I was placed in exactly the SAME place after my 9 hour dangerous  Cancer Surgery.  I had come home “Cancer Free” with Miraculous Healing so profound that it’s like I never had The Whipple Surgery.   Because Everyone called my healing a MIRACLE, I believed it was a personal Promise from God about Daryl!  Clinging to that idea, I thought “WHY WOULDN'T HE DO IT AGAIN?”  HE DID!!!!!  Our Community and Our Heavenly Father got us there!  He can get YOU there!  Remember what He has done!  Believe He will again!!!  BE ENCOURAGED!
Another Miracle that proves God takes care of details, happened when they told us Daryl might come home in a couple of weeks. With 5 steep stairs to get into our house, Charlie told me it would cost about $6,000 for materials and take 2 weeks to construct the long ramp we needed to get his Dad in the house with his wheelchair. My heart sunk. Then our son’s expression changed and he told me he remembered an old metal bridge that was thrown out on our property. He (inspired by God) wondered if we could use that!  TWO DAYS later we had a Ramp up, that COST NOTHING, and  was exactly the right length and slant for us to get Daryl’s wheelchair into the house. God knew we needed it right away, because Daryl came home unexpectedly, a few days later. We had to get him out of a very detrimental atmosphere quickly!  We still walk up that long Ramp praising our God every day!
At Christmas this year I kept holding the hand of my very best Christmas present of all!…my Guy!
In spite of Doctors who said Daryl would probably never recover and always be in a nursing facility if he made it….in spite of “permanently damaged” lungs, one of which collapsed twice… spite of Cardiac Arrest in the middle of the night with Resuscitation that caused a cracked  Sternum,… Spite of real Kidney Failure,….in spite of having to learn, just like a new baby,  how to hold his head up, sit up, stand up, hold a spoon or a pen, talk, walk, all over again!!!……Our Miracle Man goes out into the world as if nothing ever happened to him!!!   DON’T EVER LOSE HOPE OR GIVE UP!  Our God can DO anything!!!  One night Recently I was at a meeting and when I got home I asked Daryl what he did while I was gone. He told me he bundled up and sat on the porch all evening  just Thanking God for all his Blessings!!!  I do that too!  
When I wrote more than 80 updates on Daryl’s CaringBridge in 2022, it showed there were more than 24,000 views of what I shared. That means even more prayers than that went up, as you knew our specific needs,  because sometimes more than one person reads it at a time!  God LISTENED!  Look what through all  those prayers,  OUR GOD HAS DONE!    Daryl is working, his lung capacity has improved, he has walked 10,000 steps several  days this week, he takes charge, he lifts things, he jokes, he loves his Jesus, he cares for others and makes them smile,  he’s my man and HE’S BACK!!!  Thank you and we love you All!!!❣️

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