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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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It's been 10 days since my last update so thought I'd fill you in on my recent progress. Unless things change this is likely the last update I'll be making on this site.

I've avoided any further episodes of Atrial Flutter for nearly two weeks, am off of the beta-blocker (Metroprolol) I started taking just before my initial discharge, have been on a lower dosage of Amiodarone for several days. So far, so good. I'm currently on a heart monitor for 48-hours as part of my follow-up care. I should be completely off the Amiodarone in a few more weeks. An after consulting with my cardiologist I'm also reducing the statin prescription I've been on for 4 years (Rosuvastain/Crestor) from 20mg to 5mg (the first step towards trying to get off of this completely).

My rehab has been progressing nicely, adding a minute or more and increasing the pace on the treadmill every day. I'm up to 23 minutes and over 3/4 of a mile so far. Not quite the 1.5 to 2 miles daily that I was doing prior to surgery, but progress is progress. The weather has warmed up into the 50's here so Cristina and I got outside for a walk around the neighborhood yesterday as well. 

As for work, I'm easing back into my routine. I was off work completely for the first two weeks and took a couple of limited internal calls/video meetings starting last week (I still couldn't talk very much). This week I've started easing back into my routine, primarily in the afternoons. Today is about as close to a normal workday as I've had since pre-surgery as I was able to get dressed, put in my treadmill time and eat breakfast and make it to a 9:00 am call/meeting. I have a few more meetings today so will have put in nearly a full day's work for the first time in several weeks. I'm still pacing myself, but feel that next week I'll be back to work as usual (fingers crossed).

I'm also sleeping much better the past couple of nights than in previous weeks, and my mobility and ability to doing more on my own have continued to improve each day. This should all be a great relief for Cristina who has been an amazing home-nurse and caretaker for the past several weeks. I don't know how I would have managed until now without her continuous help and support.

My daughter, Nicole, also came for a short visit from Sacramento, CA, and Ali spent several days at home while her sister was here. This was very helpful to my continued recovery as I stretched my endurance while we spent time talking, playing piano, or playing games together. 

I still have several follow-up appointments throughout the next three months and my sternum won't be fully healed for another 8-9 weeks, but I'm feeling good about my recovery and look forward to driving again soon. Thanks again for all of your thoughts, prayers, good vibes, and comments. 


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