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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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Back in May on the eve of Cynthia's discharge from Region's I wrote the following:

98% of individuals who survive this (HSV encephalitis) end up with some sort of mental deficit once their recovery plateaus after about a year or so of therapy. HOWEVER, 2% of individuals regain full recovery with no signs of deficits ... SO this is our prayer request for today and going forward - we want to be in the 2% of full recovery patients!  

We are thrilled today to let you know that Cynthia is well on her way toward that small percentage of patients who fully recover!  We met Friday with the doctor who administered her neuropsych exam last week and learned that Cynthia scored well into the 90th percentile on several cognitive areas (meaning she is smarter than most of us!) and scoring average to above average in most other areas for individuals her age.  This is great news especially since we are only 5 months beyond the onset of her illness and continued improvement is typically seen and expected with most patients for a full year to year and a half beyond onset.  So what does this mean practically?  A return to work and the reinstatement of her driving privileges! (after some simulation work and practice, of course)  Cynthia is elated and feels like a great cloud of uncertainty is finally beginning to lift.

God has been so faithful to our family throughout this experience as have all of you who continued to pray, visit, serve and simply be there for us.  We are grateful and humbled by how much love and concern has been shown us.  Needless to say, this experience has changed us profoundly.  We believe that the Lord has used this trial to reshape us in ways that without it we might never have explored on our own.  This does not mean that we are finished - far from it.  Cynthia will still continue with her speech therapist and psychologist in the near term. Her return to driving and work will be measured and gradual.

I will continue to reflect on this entire experience and explore the areas of my soul that have been exposed and require healing and reshaping.  Life is precious and it is fragile.  Relationships are equally so.  Each one of you has played a part in this story and should know that you have been used by God to bring about this miraculous recovery.  Even as our world around us changes so dramatically and quickly I am ever grateful that God is unchanging, always there - a shelter in a storm, a refuge in chaos.  

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change" James 1:17

"But I will sing of your strength...for you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress." Psalm 59:16

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