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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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I am happy to announce that Jordan was granted his wish by the wonderful  Make-a-Wish foundation!  Yes, it's exciting news, but it is also bitter sweet.  It is hard to imagine that his life took such a turn a few years ago.  However, on another good note...Jordan's health has greatly improved!  Before Jordan's diagnosis he was playing tackle football and running 5K's.  At the height of his illness he was barely able to walk and/or hold objects in his hands. But, through the help of some great specialists and medications we seem to have his illness under control.  As his health has improved we have also been able to reduce the dosage of meds per day as well as eliminating steroids completely. Although the meds have been life saving...sadly, long term use of these medications can cause some severe side-effects and also unknown damage to his body.  So, it is a fine line between the help and hurt that these strong medications cause.  However, we must enjoy, appreciate and relish in moments of good health!

Jordan continues to run Cross Country and Track for his high school team and although he is a Junior he was not on the Varsity team due to his slower running times.  I am ecstatic that after years of hard work and dedication Jordan has made the Varsity team!  He competed in Districts and ran his 5K in 20:16, a personal record for him. He will now go on to Regionals!!! There is a chance that he may not run in Regionals as there are 2 other runners with slightly better times, but the fact that he was able to push himself physically and mentally to make it to this point is an accomplishment in of itself.  He is proud of himself and so are we!

As for his is the story:

As a whole our family has a hectic weekly schedule between work, school, sports and various volunteer duties, so Sunday has always been family day.  One of our favorite activities is to sit and watch one TV show as a family on Sundays.  Our show of choice became the Amazing Race.  (The Amazing Race is a reality television game show in which teams of two people, who have some form of a preexisting personal relationship, in competition with other teams.)  As we watched these teams race around the world we got a glimpse into the beauty of many different countries and would often discuss our wish of future travels.  Although the entire family loved the show,Jordan was so enthralled by it that I made it his birthday theme and hid clues around the neighborhood for he and his friends to race.  It was a wonderful birthday party and as close as I could come to making his wish of travels come true...and it was before his diagnosis.

Almost two years later, Jordan was diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis and Autoimmune Hepatitis and his life (as we knew it)completely changed.  The athlete we knew was no longer...and the dreams of racing around the world now seemed glim.  We (as parents) raced to find other interests for Jordan to help distract him from what he could no longer do.  Dad worked extra hours to purchase a top oft he line DSLR camera for Jordan to begin a new hobby that did not involve athleticism.  Jordan jumped at the opportunity to learn something new and his love of photography began!  So, when asked to "Make-a-Wish",Jordan wished to photograph the beauty that he had seen on TV through the Amazing Race when the teams had traveled to New Zealand. 

So, we are off to a trip of a lifetime in New Zealand!!!! 

As I write this update I am a mix of emotions.  I am beyond excited for Jordan, grateful for the opportunity, and almost grief stricken again knowing and being reminded that my son has (2) life-threatening, incurable illnesses and that his future is unknown.  But, Jordan is such a fighter that he never gives me time for sorrow as he is always off to his next accomplishment that has my heart bursting with joy!!!

This Thanksgiving the Rackauskas Family will be giving thanks to God, Make-A-Wish Foundation (especially our wish granters Jackie and Mary Ann), our family, our friends, the doctors and nurses, Cure JM Foundation and everyone else that has been there for us on this journey with Jordan.  You are not forgotten and every little bit of help (although it may have seemed small to you), reminds me to stay strong and to keep moving forward.


P.S.  Jordan will be putting together an album of pics from our trip.

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