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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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Wow, it has been four months since I last updated you all.  It definitely has been a whirlwind when it comes to life's adjustments, treatments, and healing. 

The last you all knew is that I had surgery on September 18th to remove the tumor in my right breast and lymph nodes.  The tumor had significantly decreased from a ping pong ball to the size of a grain of rice. Even my surgeon was blown away. The alternative and nontoxic approach to treatment had success. 

Now it was onto another approach to treatment at home. We continued our healthy lifestyle change though swapped it to whole food plant-based eating with a bit of organic grass-fed protein without dairy and gluten. 
We really enjoy the changes in our diet and the new meals we are discovering each week. Food tastes better than the processed, fake food that consumes our society. 

Another blessing happened in September, I was offered the opportunity to reapply for my role with Cvent in which I did. I was offered my position back with a new twist of virtual event production which began October 1st. God certainly has His hand upon us throughout our journey. 

To be honest I started struggling with my weekly injections, going back to work, learning to balance my daily activities, and putting my own needs first. I am an all-in type of girl. So returning to work brought 50 hrs and at times a whole lot more because I want to learn, to put forth our best efforts for our clients, and take on much more than the average girl should do. I am one of those overachievers which I used to believe was a good thing though as life shifted this year it is not a badge of honor I want to wear any longer. 

Here came November really quick too and a new round of lab work. I got a scare that woke me up. My cancer markers had started to rise again to numbers prior to surgery in September.  It is nice being back at work but when you realize that stress affects your health (though yes I hear this all the time) but when those numbers rise up and you are now aware it is a gut check. My doctor immediately scared me as well telling me I needed to head back to Mexico for another week of intense treatment. My doctor in Mexico though wanted us to pause and wait to see what December would bring so we could have scans done, lab work, and to make adjustments with my workload. 

I spoke with my direct leadership team and management immediately though I was reluctant and literally fighting with my emotions to not have to lift my load. I am surely blessed because they immediately put me first and my health. We agreed on what moving forward would look like and made changes. I love my team! 

My doctor here at home recommended a port be placed so I could begin immunotherapy since my veins have been shot from the intensity of treatment over the past few months. On November 23rd I had my port placed which I knew would make my life better I had resisted it for so long. Two days later I had my first IV of High Dose Vit C and Artesunate. Wow, my port truly is a game-changer. Since this week I now go for Immunotherapy twice a week of Artesunate and High Dose Vit C. As well as acupuncture, chiropractic care and has a weekly massage. These are the reasons I continue to work, the cost point on these treatments in order to wage war against cancer within my body keep me behind my desk serving others.

I have been on and off my injections dependent on the weeks' activities. I have started on low dose naltrexone and continued with Ivermectin.  I am still on reactive iron, whole enzymes, and 150 mg of Zinc daily. One of my favorite parts of treatment (I know most of you will think what the heck) is the coffee enema each day. They give my body a boost of energy and refreshment like nothing else we do. They help flush the toxins from treatments and dead cells from lingering in my body. 

As we entered into December I knew the time was coming for my scans and lab work to be done. I started to get anxious which is normal for anyone who has had cancer or has it. I am unsure that it will ever pass. My doctor ordered a CT Scan, a Pet Scan, and lab work. I waited until the week of Christmas to have each done so I wouldn't receive the results until after Christmas was my thought. I wanted the holidays to be smooth without any emotional disturbance.

As for my ignorance and the kindness of my doctor, I received my results immediately for the CT Scan followed by the Pet Scan. And this week I received my lab work results. One thing I continue to take away on this journey is that I have absolutely no control over the results though I do have control of my actions that affect my health.  Through how I care for my body with exercise, what I use in my home, what I put on my body, and what I put in my body.

Before I speak on my results I want to say again that it is because of the promises I can stand on the truth that my life is not my own. I was created for my Savior's joy and for my Savior's purpose.  There is nothing on earth that fills my soul with the peace He supplies to me. He holds me tightly through my anxious moments, through my fear, through my discouragement, and through all the goodness He brings into my life. He's done it again with the news of our grandlittles 6 who will arrive in August a year from the time I was in Mexico for the most intensive cancer treatment I have gone through in a period of 21 days. He restores everything that has been taken away ten times to a hundred times over. He fills the cracks and crevices with only His goodness. 

As we enter 2021 we celebrate with each of you the news of clear scans throughout my body with no signs of metastasis. We shout from every corner for every ear to hear that Jesus keeps His promises and how He does it is different for everyone. My friend, Timna, is in heaven where all pain, hurt, and tear has been wiped away and she is in His presence. He healed her too. May I encourage you that though our healing looks differently His promise still is true. He will never leave you. He will never forsake or forget about you. You are His number one priority for You alone bring Him joy. You have been created for His sole joy and purpose. 

He restores all that the locust has stolen when we rest our souls in Him. I definitely have cried over and over many times on this journey. I definitely have had my anxiety explode within me. I definitely have questioned why. I definitely have found my peace, my joy, my heart filled with His love through this journey. 

I am unsure what lies ahead in 2021 though in 2020 I have found more reasons to be grateful than I realized prior. The fast-paced life I once lived is far gone and I have discovered what really matters means way more than any achievement, any position, or any opportunity that takes away from those God has placed in my life to love. 

My word for 2021 is Joy. For such a time as this, I will live with abundant joy. I will continue to seek out every opportunity to share my story and inspire others to discover the immeasurable joy that only our God provides with His of each of us.

I leave you with this thought: James 1:2-3 in The Passion Translation "...When it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things!"

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