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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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The door opens again,
the kind, thoughtful attendant peeks her head in and apologizes.
"I'm so sorry, it's been one of those mornings.
You'll have to hold on a few more minutes.
The surgical area is getting prepared for you, now.
Can I bring you another warm blanket?"

We assured her we were fine
and the door closes behind her.

Coach, lying down all prepped and ready 
for the minor surgery to remove his port,
turns his head toward me,
and with a twinkle in his eye 
repeats a word from one of his favorite scenes
in one of his favorite movies.


He's one of those quick witted guys
who can repeat a well known line in a movie
at the perfect moment
to cheerfully lighten a situation.

I smiled back at him,
appreciating his sense of humor.
Yes, of course we can 'hold’ on bit longer.
I smiled too,
remembering the last time he repeated that line.
We were in a bus with a team we were leading in Haiti,
driving through the darkness and slums of Port au Prince
toward our ministry destination a few hours north,
when a team member decided that was the moment
they may need a bathroom.


Again then, his humor lightened the moment.

He falls back to sleep as we continue to wait.
(We left at 5:45 am, to arrive before 7am
and it was close to 10am.)

From my comfortable seat,
the warm blanket around me legs,
my journal in my lap, bible near
and pens scattered around me,
I think of that famous scene in "Braveheart".
William Wallace, the Scottish freedom fighter
(played by Mel Gibson)
initiated a plan to hold back his fellow warriors
to wait for that strategic moment
to advance against their enemy.
It seems as if he is waiting way too long
as their opponent closes in on them!

Yet, in his wisdom and knowledge as a warrior,
William Wallace led his army
to yield and wait for his command;
to “HOLD” for the best opportunity
to obtain their goal.
He knew the exact moment for advancement,
their perfect position
and chance most favorable for victory.
they needed to HOLD.

In similar ways,
for victory,
we too, have needed to "hold".
And we too,
have had a wise, knowledgable Leader,
a Mighty Warrior fighting for us
Who has had a perfect plan,
and perfect purposes in His plan.

He is the One 
Who covers with Grace 
that enables us to yield to,
submit to
an unexpected refinement;
an unplanned training in faith,
trust and obedience.

He is the One
Who says,
"Be still and know that I am God."
(Psalm 46:10)

He is the One
Who opens our eyes to "see"
that whatever hardship He allows in our life
He can form into an opportunity,
"a favorable situation to obtain a goal",
"a chance to advance in learning",
"a good place for advancement",
a plan to make us better,
a position for victory!

He is the One we remember 
when we think we can't HOLD on any longer...
the Lord is with me like a Mighty Warrior."
Jeremiah 20:11

Like a mighty warrior I will be,
for my Lord stands next to me...
and a Mighty Warrior is He!

Once Coach returned from surgery,
the port successfully removed,
I began sharing all these thoughts with him.
As we reflected and waited
for the necessary time to lapse
before he could stand up to leave,
the staff surprised us,
entered singing and clapping,
presenting him with a cupcake and a card 
signed with good wishes for a complete
and full recovery.

Then I was surprised to find myself
wiping tears.
I think the emotion came from realizing
their fun, thoughtful, kind gesture
that filled that hospital room with joy and gladness
and surprised us,
was a reflection of how throughout our journey,
your warm, tender thoughtfulness, 
in how you shared our pain
and touched our wounds
filled our life with joy and gladness,
and surprised us in how blessed,
loved and cared for we felt.
You HELD us close during a very difficult time.
And it made a difference.

"Love one another, as I have loved you."  - Jesus
We will HOLD on dearly to all the ways you have loved us.

"Continue to remember those suffering,
as if you yourself were suffering."  
(Hebrews 13:6)
We will always HOLD onto the valuable truth we have learned
through your obedience
in how you remembered us,
held us,
as we hope to remember, care for
and hold others.

May we HOLD onto 
the lessons, 
the stories,
the victories 
to be found in this season past.

May we always HOLD on to the TRUTH
that You,
the Living,
All Powerful God of the Universe,
Who leads us,
fights for us,
and are intimately involved in our lives.

May we continue to be still enough 
to HOLD onto the TRUTH 
that You are our Refuge,
in every moment of our every need;

to HOLD onto the TRUTH
that You are our Guide,
through all that is uncertain;

to HOLD onto the TRUTH
that You are our Strength,
in times of trial and testing;

to HOLD onto the TRUTH
that You are our Peace,
and our HOPE for tomorrow.

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15 Hearts • 9 Comments
