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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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I started the IV protocol last Tuesday! I’ve been excited for this. I’ve been in limbo for months, not doing any treatments outside what I can manage from home (castor oil packs, coffee enemas, supplement, diet, etc.). So it feels amazing to be getting more intensive therapy again. And Summit doesn’t start summer school until next week so of course I’ve got both kiddos with me last week and this week. (My mom is off today so she’s taking Summit to the water park where he will be by heading way more fun than sitting at the doc with me lol.)

It can be a hassle to cart both of then to appointments with me, but I’m so grateful that I get to do so. Selah cried her little head off the first day and it’s difficult to soothe a baby when you have an IV in your arm. Luckily the office manager here is an absolute saint and held her until she fell asleep that time. She’s been pretty easy mostly but it was very sweet of the office manager to come to the rescue. And Breastfeeding her while I’m getting treatment… ha! It’s is even more challenging, especially when I’m getting the IVs on the side she’s nursing on lol. But I’m here to heal, so that I can be there for them both for many, many decades to come. So you do what you need to do!

My pain and inflammation levels have been through the roof, but most of these IVs are designed to help the body deal with inflammation. I can say I’ve seen and felt a noticeable difference in my inflammation levels just from last week to this week after getting those first four infusions. So prayers that my body will continue to respond to these treatments and that the cancer can’t “hide” from my immune system.

That’s what cancer cells do. They’re sneaky and will make themselves incognito so your immune system can’t recognize that that’s a problem and clean up shop. But waking up and powering up the immune system is exactly what needs to happen in order for our macrophages, natural killer cells, T cells and other white cell warriors to do the job they need to do in killing the cancer cells or converting them back to being normal, functioning cells.

So every week, my IVs will look like this:

  • Mondays: UVIV/Ozone and High-dose Vit C

  • Tuesdays: Curcumin

  • Wednesdays: Colloidal Silver

  • Thursdays: UVIV/Ozone and High-dose Vit C

The first day made me a little nauseous but nothing horrible. I don’t know which IV caused it but I’m thinking the Vit C maybe because I’ve done the ozone one before many times.

We are also drawing CBC with differential and CMP weekly now because my protein levels have consistently been low. I’ve always been a little anemic but going plant-based only since September has made it even more difficult to get my protein levels where they need to be. And I need my body to have optimal protein levels because protein is what you need to build new (and healthy) cells that will help with combating the cancer cells.

With that said, I’ve been incorporating beef liver into my supplement routine and I will be incorporating very small amounts of grass-fed, pasture-raised beef and poultry and wild-caught fish back into my diet to see how it helps with my RBC count, protein, iron levels, etc.

God has really been using this season to refine me. He’s teaching me to let stuff roll off my shoulders, not to get stressed about challenges and things that arise, but rather take a minute to breathe and approach it calmly. He’s working anger out of me when I have horrible days and don’t/can’t do much. He’s teaching me to be a gentle parent, when Summit wants to throw his big-emotion, 4-year-old fits over things that are absolutely trivial to adults but all-consuming for his preschool brain.

This is THE hardest season of my life, but the Lord is using it all for good, as He faithfully does. Who knew that when I received a cancer diagnosis, God would use it to work out many negative, and often hidden, qualities from me?

Chris Wark (@chrisbeatcancer) says that cancer diagnoses are a tap on the shoulder from God that something (or things) in your life need a major course correction. There are things you’ve swept under the rug or let go unattended for too long… it’s time to address them so your body is free to heal.

A verse God had me memorize is 1 Peter 5:10, “And the God of all grace, who called you according to eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself restore you, and make you strong, firm and steadfast” (emphasis mine).

God is for me. He’s on my side. He’s fighting for me, even on days I feel like all I can do is cry. He’s in the spiritual realm fighting for me there too. He’s in it with us. I can rest in the shadow His wings until the disaster has passed, and it will pass. Healing is on the horizon. It’s here now.

Thank you, Jesus, for sustaining me through the pain and hard days. Thank you for preserving my life.

“I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the Lord has done.” Psalms‬ ‭118‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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