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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Pregnancy is no joke.

At 22 weeks, which was the end of September, I woke up with vaginal bleeding on a Monday.  We called our OB and because of my gestational age, I was directed to the labor and delivery unit.  This was our first visit and I was DC home that evening with a diagnosis of placental abruption - babe was stable and things were as good as they could be.  I was sent home  with instructions for close follow-up with my OB and activity restrictions.  If you are familiar with Idaho, you know that fall is hunting season.  That Thursday Andy and Josiah left for Northern Idaho for a long weekend of hunting fun.

That night my stomach felt off and I had a hard night sleeping.  Something just felt off.  Friday morning I woke up to vaginal bleeding - more than the previous episode.  I had to dial 911 and was admitted to labor and delivery for monitoring of my and the little babe.  At this point, I was praying to make it to 23 weeks.  Babe was stable and my exams looked good during my three-day stay.  I ultimately ended up getting steroids just in case this little boy decided to make an early appearance.

I was DC home on day three, again with close follow-up with my OB and restrictions. 

Things were going well until Tuesday afternoon.... that afternoon I had more bleeding and this time was much worse.  We called 911 again and I was brought to L&D for evaluation.  The important thing is that our little boy is stable and tolerating this very well and for that we give praise.  I remain in the long-term labor and delivery unit and am on day five of being a patient.  There has been another bump in our road as they discovered another abruption in a place that is less than desirable as well as a new diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

The plan to date is to stay here until Wednesday and at that point will be reevaluated.  This visit has been full of doses of reality - a meeting with the neonatologist to discuss what delivery and the babes' treatment could look like between now and 34 weeks; a discussion and evaluation by anesthesia in case of an emergency c-section; and last night I signed a c-section consent to make sure all bases are covered.  My room was strategically picked as the OR is a hop, skip, and jump away.

With COVID I can only have one visitor every 24 hours so that makes it a little difficult.  Andy has been in every afternoon to see me and we have relied on our family and amazing friends to help bridge the gap since Andy is now a one-man show.

Today was amazing because I was able to see Josiah for the first time since Tuesday morning.  

All of that to say, we are grateful that we are now at 28 weeks gestation.  This was our goal when I experienced the first bleed.  For now, each day is a blessing and we pray to make it to 34 weeks.  Please send prayers to us, our family, and the medical team I have who truly are angels on earth.

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