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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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A few weeks ago we listened to a sermon by T.D. Jakes called “The Point of a Pivot.” The basic premise was that we often don’t know when God will ask us to pivot, but it can be life changing. 

Last week Chris’s PET Scan results showed that his relapsed cancer had not responded to the two rounds of chemo we completed. In fact, it has grown. His doctor was ready to switch him to a higher intensity regimen, but God had other plans. Back in April we met with a doctor at Houston Methodist that Chris’s Austin doctor had referred us to for a CAR-T therapy trial. I won’t go into the details of it, but it is really interesting how it’s done (I encourage you to look it up!). We felt confident at the time to have them take Chris’s blood before he started chemo again so they could manufacture the CAR-T cells and have them ready should he need them. That process took about 6 weeks. As soon as we told his MD Anderson doc he had cells waiting, he immediately got the ball rolling for CAR-T. The whole process takes 6-8 weeks, and we have to be in Houston for the duration. 

So, we have had to pivot quickly. His symptoms have gotten worse, but we hope that the treatment will work quickly. He began some chemo conditioning yesterday. He gets the CAR-T infusion on Friday. Big prayers for our kids who are in Austin. Big prayers for our whole family as we have many other things going on that are complicating the situation  more than we would hope. The Lord knows. 

Also, we resurrected the MealTrain for a few weeks to try to help our caregivers staying with the kids.

Peace and love,

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