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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Guess who is heading home today??? Chris is so excited to get to leave Birmingham and head back to Chattanooga!  Yesterday at his Clinic Appointment the Doctor said, "You're doing great, want to head home?" We had hoped to possibly hear this news maybe next Friday.  We were so surprised by how quickly this has happened! We had settled into our hotel room, expecting to probably be here a few more weeks!  Packing it all up to head home today!

Chris is still in recovery mode and we will need to use extra precautions, especially with us getting home sooner. It will be worth it, though, to be home together! The kids were all thrilled when we told them!  

We we be traveling to Birmingham for check up appointments every Friday for awhile. Chris will be able to do labs in Chattanooga on Mondays.  We are so grateful for how this has worked out!

It will take some time to adjust to being home and a new "normal" again (although I'm convinced there is no such thing as normal!!) Right now our focus will be on allowing Chris to recover, and to enjoy time together as a family! We also have some home projects from our basement leaking issue that are wrapping up in the next few weeks.  We are considering this our big break from school for the year and will start back at the end of the month. It will be so nice to be home and know that this big hurdle of the transplant is behind us! 

Please continue to pray for us! Chris is on anti-rejection medicine so his immune system is suppressed greatly. He will need to be extra careful around sickness. Praying our kids can stay well, especially this next month. And pray for safety as we will driving back and forth each week to Birmingham.

Our hearts are so humbled and grateful for the prayer lifted on our behalf, and for the generosity, kindness, and encouragement shown to us. We haven't had to worry about anything these past few weeks!  God has been providing and caring for us through those He has placed in our life.  We can't say thank you enough to our family and friends!!

We still stand amazed at God's work in this whole situation!!  He is so faithful, even when trials come and we don't understand what He is doing. He is good...  Always and in all things! 2020 is off to a really exciting start and we are grateful!

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