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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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My dear friends and loved ones,


First the short note – while blessings are always welcome, I am delighted that with my latest doctor’s report, I am finally writing to ask you to take me off your lists for healing prayers. I am grateful, I am healing, and I am recovering my strength each and every day!  Thank you for being a part of making that happen.


Ok, now the longer version. 


Modeh (Modah) Ani – I am grateful to be able to acknowledge the One who is “Rofeh Holei Amo Yisrael” – healer of the people Israel (and all people).  Thank you, God, for the miracle that is modern medicine, for the ability to heal, for my breath, and for the fortune I experience now and have for these last several months. 


The day before my 55th birthday in August, I learned that I would have to undergo brain surgery.  Within days, I began sharing my journey, both as a way of informing others and as a path towards transparency and healing for me.  Getting used to the idea of having one brain surgery was a bit overwhelming and the knowledge that a second surgery would be necessary only a couple weeks later was beyond.  From the moment I began sharing, I have been inundated with loving messages, offers to help, personal connections, and communal prayers.  People all over the world have mobilized to help as I traveled the unexpected steps towards recovery. These past months have certainly shown me what it truly means to be part of an extraordinary community.  Together, you have taught me the power of blessing, the meaning of love, and extraordinary light of God as manifest in human kindness and presence.  I am beyond grateful and forever changed by your acts of true kindness and compassion.

In speaking with my neurosurgeon, he reminded me that for some time I will likely continue associating every headache with something happening in my brain whether it is actually connected or not. So, for now, we will operate with a headache is a headache is a headache unless they get more severe or trend in concerning fashions.  While there are still some other things that will have to be watched (there is still small air pocket in the frontal lobe of my brain and I will always have to be on the look out for signs of another leak), all scans indicate that I am improving and doing quite well, and as he said “I should live my life fully”.  So with a 3 month break before the next scan or doctor’s visit, I am going to do just that very thing.  I am really getting back to full activity  - working full days and robust physical activity as in days before. If only the most recent Covid surge would subside, I could also resume more social engagements as well. 

Your prayers have uplifted me and have certainly reach God!  Just as I wrote asking you to add my name to your lists of those for whom you pray for healing, it now feels momentous to be able to let you know I can be taken off your list!!!  Thank you for walking with me during this time, for illuminating this path, and for holding space for me in this moments of challenge and healing.  You inspire me to help others in their life’s moments. I also pray that each of you reading this find yourself surrounded by such loving connection and community in moments of your own need!

Thank you and may we soon meet in joy and celebration.

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