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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Social Media is growing very fast and each day you feel new on it. Influencer Marketing on social media is also growing, It is a type of a marketing. Most of the brands or all business or marketers use influencer for marketing on social media like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. If you want to become an influencer on twitter, then real twitter followers buy from online stor Why Influencer? all brands choose influencer because they have a power to influence people by their unique content. And influence marketing is cheaper than celebrity endorsement. Influencer already have a big follower base, the company has to pay only money to influencers. Influencer influence people very easily by their unique content and their presentation. Influencer can easily break or make brand's image. 5 reasons make influencer important in business. 

1. Wide And Loyal Image

Influencer usually have a huge fan following on Facebook, or traffic to their twitter account which means that through influencer you can reach a wide audience. When influencers use your brand name in tweets , talk about it or retweet or share your posts, they are increase your brand communication. Zoella is a popular beauty vlogger, who has around 13.6 million Twitter followers. If you want to become a youtube vlogger likes as Zoella, then buy quality youtube views and achieve your goal. She posted many video about beauty products. In 2013, She was named as one of the National Citizen Service's ambassadors, helping to promote the newly launched youth service. Due to her popularity, her debut novel Girl Online became famous and highest first week sales .

2. Content

According to a survey, marketers said that they follow an influencer because of the content they create. Unique content is crucial to any advertising. And they can create great content that would easily strike a chord with the audience, and reduce the work for you. Influencers might even come up with creative ideas for content advertising that your brand itself did not think of. They post reviews of your products and services, your products features, quality etc., some write blog which is related to your brand.

3. Good Networks

Influencers build good networks. Influencers have million of followers and these followers discussions on the various subjects the influencers post about, which can lead to more brand building. Not just that, these followers share or retweet their posts which means that your brand popularity will increase, audience multiplies, and more visibility. You can use twitter retweet count to increase your brand popularity on twitter. Also, through influencer you can identify other influential people as well, who are a part of their audience. They can in turn influence their own audience's opinion of your brand.

4. Credibility

Influencers have lot of credibility with their audience. Report says that 45% marketers said that they follow an influencer because they consider them as opinion leaders and 49% follow them because of their relationship with the influencer. Influencer hold in particular niche combined with the good relations they maintain with their audience makes them reliable to people. Influencers's opinion of your brand will most likely become the general opinion among their audience. A word from an influencer can make or break your brand reputation.

5. New Trends & Insights

Influencers are usually aware of the latest trends of the evolving social media platforms. Influencers tend to be among the first to try these new trends, to discover new platforms to reach and engage with their audience. Through them, you too can get acquainted with such new ideas and employ them to interest prospective customers. And seeing as they are experts in the field, you could gain deeper insights about your industry from them.

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