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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Little Charlie goes through life at his own pace. Below you will find the milestones that little Charlie has been able to achieve! 
He's currently 17 1/2 months <3

  • Smiling. Oh boy, Charles' smiles are ever so precious and he is very picky with who he shares them with and when. 😍 But if you're lucky, his smile truly melts your heart.
  • Claps his hands! This has been recent within the past few weeks when he's really been clapping, it is so exciting to see him join in the fun! 
  • Drumming with his hands and feet, he absolutely loves making music to whatever he can. 
  • Charles will babble with "mama" and lots of "Ba..." and "da..."s and "badababada" now. We're pretty sure he's saying "Mama" intentionally too! 
  • If Charles is bored, he will definitely let us know with some loud grunts and "rrrrrrrrr" noises. As soon as you talk to him or play music, he is super happy.
  • MUSIC! Oh my goodness, our boy absolutely loves his tunes!...Especially the soundtrack to Destiny!
  • Sitting up - Our little man still needs to be supported sometimes, but for the most part, he's getting great at sitting up all on his own.
  • He's super talented at pulling himself up with his core, not even hanging onto anything
  • Charles rolled over at 17 months old, all on his own, and OHHH WE WERE SO EXCITED! We took a video and got it! I would put the video on here, but I'm not technologically-inclined. But there is a picture of him on his belly!
  • Tummy time is not a time that Charlie enjoys that much, sadly. He much prefers sitting up or being on his back, or being a rolie polie olie. 
  • Charles can sometimes eat as much a 1 tablespoon of food during his feeding therapy. He loves oats with cinnamon, bananas, and blueberries with apples! He's not too keen with the green foods yet, unlike his brother.
  • Standing up is a pretty tough one for Charles, but sometimes, if he's in the mood, he will dance in your arms and push up on his legs! He'll even offer a goofy smile, too!
  • Charlie is SOOOO in tune with his brother. Any time Thomas cries, as long as it's not fussing, Charles knows, and will cry along with him. If at any time Thomas is sad, it is a wailing contest between the two. 
  • Right now Charles is loving to play the gravity game with us all. He's loving his rattles, teethers, mirrors, little books, and he is especially loving phones and remotes!
    • His absolutely favorite toy has been a singing elephant. It would make him smile EVERY time!
  • In regards to ASL, he sometimes will sign "Dada" by putting his hand to his head

So, in summary, little Charlie is meeting milestones currently for 6-9 month range, depending.

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