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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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It's been a year. 
May 4th I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, May 12th was my last day of work, and began my treatments. 
What a year it's been. The rollercoaster I never wanted to get on has taken me through the highs and lows of breast cancer treatments. I feel like I am currently coasting along hoping the ride will come to end soon. The end is in sight, I just have to wait to get there. 
This year has brought my family closer, reminded me to always try my best to be present in the moment. Never miss anything my kids do if I can help it. I would say I loved life before cancer but after cancer things are just different. I don't know what words to use to express my gratitude for life, time, and family appropriately.  I expect things will always be different because my family is different. I never asked for this and would never wish this upon anyone. I think of the people I know that have suffered because of cancer and it brings me to tears. My Thomas draws sad faces and him crying on my mothers day card because of cancer. Henry announces at our tailgate that, "it's been a rough year because my mama had cancer." This is not fair and it breaks me when I think of all the things they have gone through because of breast cancer. 
I just finished my 5th cycle and will enjoy a week off. I am excited to start my 6th cycle because I already feel like I accomplished something with this extra chemo. I know I can make it to eight cycles. I told my Dr. I wanted another PET scan, and I have one coming up. I can be aggressive too!! My journey is not over but I can see the finish line. Someone told me recently that I saved my own life by checking, finding, and getting the ball rolling on my lump. I never thought about cancer and this year that way but I like it. I finally feel good and at a place where I can accept that. I saved my own life! How ever long I get here on earth, it is longer because of me. 
It's Mother's Day and I can not let this day go by without paying respects to the Moms in my life that have helped me. Last Mother's Day was spent with family at my house, dancing around the words breast cancer and chemo. We were filled with fear, sadness, confusion as we tried to brace ourselves for the tidal wave and understanding of cancer. This year we got to hang out without the use of those words and were without fear. 
To Esther (GG) Wilson,
Thank you for your support during this past year. Calling and texting for updates and always being there for Jon and the boys. Helping me get my house cleaned when I could not do it myself. 
To Debbie Wilson,
I thank you again for stopping everything in your life to take care of me. As one of my baby sitters, coming over every week to take care of me and the boys. Helping with laundry, dishes, and dinners. That kind of sacrifice made me feel brave and strong. Knowing that my boys would be looked after and taken care of when I could not do it myself. 
To Terry Galvan,
My Mom who is the center of our family. She has gave up everything and threw herself into my cancer treatment world. She organized our family into helping and got the ball rolling on so many things for me and my family. She is the best Mom I could ask for and always puts her family's needs above her own. She always has. I know that my mom is a phone call away and that kind of reassurance keeps me going when I question myself.  

To these women and the many other Mamas out there that go hard everyday at this mom thing, my hats off to you. #momlife 

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