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Apr 21-27

Week of Apr 21-27

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Light Of The World (Sing Hallelujah) by We The Kingdom

2 Thessalonians 3:16 The Passion Translation
"Now, may the Lord himself, the Lord of peace, pour into you his peace in every circumstance and in every possible way.  The Lord's tangible presence be with you all."

Merry Christmas Eve!🎄

Cate continues to improve each and every day.  Some days are better than others, but we have been thankful for the good days as they are outnumbering the hard days.  Definite praise points would be for all the  healing that is taking place in our own home! Cate has an amazing bed and it is able to be in different positions and we are grateful for her being able to be in her wheelchair at different times throughout the day.  We are super grateful for the people whom we bought this house from that they put in handicap accessible doorways and showers!  God knew exactly what He was building for us even though we are not the ones who designed this home at all!  Although they did have the most amazing contractor ever, in my opinion of course! 😉   We have been so grateful again for the timing of the surgery and for Aaron to be available as much as he is!  We are a tag-team duo and he and I have given Cate quite a few laughs as we maneuver lifting her from bed to chair or back from chair to bed!  And if the girls would ever video us while giving Cate a shower, well lets just say that we would probably win America's Funniest Home Videos!  😂. Cate continues to maintain her amazing spirit through all of it.  Even when she cannot move at night and has to let us know that she needs help, she still smiles when we come into help re-position her.  It has to be very hard to process not being able to move even the limited amount that she could before, to now not being able to move her body at all in regards to repositioning herself.  😏  Another very helpless feeing for her I am sure, but she again never ceases to amaze us with her grace and patience through all things!  She has hardly ever been without a smile for these past 15 years.  I have gone through so many pictures in the last month and to see all of her smiles despite all the hard shows me just how resilient she is!

Some definite prayer points for Cate would be the following:

  • No infection - the incision site is healing so well and we want it to continue this way, but we know that always having pressure on that site, there can be the risk, so we ask for continued prayer for that
  • Spasms & Pain - the pain seems to be under control and for that we are so thankful, but the spasms are still occurring and we hate that for her......think of a charley horse running up and down your back and not being able to do anything about it 🥴
  • Movement - Cate's arms and legs have not regained all of their movement....we see some  improvement from the first week after surgery, but it is very small....they told us that it would take quite awhile, but hard to not see her being able to move her arms and legs even marginally
  • Eating & Swallowing - slow, slow, slow........they also told us this may be an area that would be a struggle.....because her entire neck position is different and so everything has to re-learn how to definite continued prayer for that
  • Psoriasis - Cate has struggled with psoriasis since 2016 and she had a stress induced break out after surgery and its been a bit hard to get under control, specifically in her scalp......for those that have this nasty condition, it is not fun and I am sure you can understand what she is experiencing.
  • Travel - we go back to Mayo next week for imaging and for Cate to get 1/2 of her 60+staples removed 
  • Endurance & Patience - for Aaron and myself and for Cate and honestly for Cody, Chloe & Clare as well

Thank you to each of you who continue to lift up Cate and our entire family.  It is definitely felt and we are so very thankful for all of the prayers.  Home has been such a sanctuary for all of us and we are loving this Christmas season as we always do, but this year it seems even more sacred and holy.  God continues to meet us right where are and we are never without hope.   Some days or evenings the only thing that calms Cate down is literally sitting right next to the Christmas tree with Christmas music playing in the background!  Thankfully there is somewhere that she enjoys to be besides having to be in her bed all the time.  And I have been reminded over and over again during this Advent season about the prophecy in Isaiah about Jesus being our Prince of Peace.  Christ came in the flesh to be our absolute perfect peace!  So although there can be stressful days for each of us, especially this time of year, we are not without the presence of Jesus to bring his perfect peace to all situations or circumstances!  God sees our hearts and sustains us by His provision in such supernatural ways!  The whole birth of Christ is the most supernatural miracle and so many did not understand this move of God.  But just like the Christmas story reminds us, we will often find Father God moving and birthing new things inside of us that don't always make sense!  So no matter where you find yourselves this Christmas, believe with childlike faith that God is moving and birthing something new, even if it's through the "hard". 

Isaiah 43:19 "I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun!  Do you not see it?  I will make a pathway through the wilderness.  I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."

Holy Spirit, put a longing in our hearts for more of Jesus!  Breathe on us this Christmas.  Hover over us Holy Spirit!  Create in us a great hope.  Break off any spirit of disappointment, despair or sorrow.  Bring new life and ingite inside us a renewed resolve to pursue you,  just as the wise men did so many years ago!

The Light has come......let us bow down and adore Him...........Much love and peace......The Fite Family✨

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