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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Hello Friends,  
Feels like months since we last saw one another, oh, yes...I find myself chuckling that until recently it has been months since I/we have seen anyone!  The Habers are happy to be back in face to face school.  Richard Daniel started second grade and John Doster is in the K4 program.  Thankfully they are at the same school and both find great joy going to school and learning.  They don't have to wear masks and I appreciate the teachers have face shields that allow the kids to see their expressions.  
We have loved extra time spent together as a family; we all had a farmers tan as we spent a great deal of time outside...I found joy planting and watching my zinnias grow to beautiful flowers loved by the monarch butterflies.  In the few weeks, the boys have been back in school I have found myself, following up with doctor appointments that were rescheduled until after school started/COVID numbers were down. 
In mid-August, I had a basal cell removed from my nose which the doctor insisted on using general anesthesia- I did not recover well,   I spent 10 days at home sick; the incision never caused me a bit of pain or discomfort.  I met with the same surgeon Friday as I am scheduled for reconstruction surgery this Friday, 9/11 at 7:30 am.  Dan was with me for the appointment and we asked a few questions that made us realize this was a little more than we anticipated. 
As you might remember last summer I had emergency surgery to remove the temporary implants that I was gifted when I had the double mastectomy August of 2018.  Some of the medical professionals thought I had pain from radiation treatments.  Yet after 10 weeks of debilitating pain that didn't seem to get better as they had instructed, we realized it was a terrible infection.  During the emergency surgery, the doctor acknowledged it was in both breasts.  I now know that could have cost me my life...thankful to be here!  :)  
SO this Friday (TOMORROW) the plastic surgeon will take tissue/fat from my stomach and use it as replacements.  Here are a few of the details...
I will have two incisions; on from hip to hip and the other incision will be armpit to armpit.  The surgery will take 6 or so hours and recovery might be long.  The nurse also made mention that I will need a walker to not stretch the incisions, for two or so weeks and be restricted to not drive 4-6 weeks. 
I am not looking forward to having this surgery...yet eager to have it behind me.  I write this post with facts as I have struggled with the reality that I usually have a tough time with anesthesia recovery and I know the pain will be rough!  My parents arrived last night and will help with the boys, this weekend and next week. 
Our dear friends have set up meals and kid pick ups.  I joked with our church small group, when invited to an outside gathering on Sunday night, "I am sorry Dan and I will be having a weekend away at Orlando Regional Medical Center" as you know, I will make lots of new friends, as the nurses will check on me every hour or so, and we will likely enjoy delicious hospital meals together.  We will love all of the mask wearing and restrictions.  I have to find humor in the circumstances, and trust this too will be a time of growth as I depend on the Lord for strength and courage.  I also know I like to be in control and feel that it's hard to think I will be out of commission for 4-6 weeks or more.   
Thank you for your kindness to me since my diagnosis two years ago (last month.)  Your prayers and encouragement have reminded us we are not alone in this journey.   

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