Karen Fedorchak|Mar 20, 2021
Matt you do have such a whole being. All of your body, senses, emotions and being in relationships with so many keep you living in so many ways. Peace, love and grace from God be with you. Karen Fedorchak
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kate yang|Mar 19, 2021
Hi Mr. Briggs, I have been reading your blog and I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I’m thinking about you!
- Kate
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Kelly Henry|Feb 13, 2021
As always I love seeing and hearing from you whenever we have group. I’m grateful for your insight and appreciate reading your posts as well. I love these pictures too as they show your spirit and love of life. I also feel it’s important to note we are Christmas PJ twins ❤️

Thinking of you and Victoria every day. And praying for you all as well.

I’m so thankful I get to experience and learn from you.
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Emily Parker-Woodland|Jan 19, 2021
Matt, it's been so long since we've talked, but I am thinking about you and Victoria. I've been reading your updates and I'm sending all my love to you both. We had some great times years ago at Umass. You guys are both amazing people and your strength through all of this is inspiring. <3
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Pam Victor|Jan 18, 2021
Matt, your wisdom, bravery, and commitment to tears AND laughter are both touching and inspiring. Please know that I'm sending far-away wishes for abundant peace, joy, and ease on your journey. Your improv friend, Pam Victor
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bob anderson|Jan 17, 2021
Matt - St. Andrew's and I are walking with you and family in prayer and with faith, hope, and love. If it's okay with you, I will also do my best to honor your dad while also teasing him unmercifully when warranted. You made a great choice in choosing Paul as your father.
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Bruce Rockwell|Jan 13, 2021
Matt - I do not know if you even remember me. Cris and I became members of St. Mark’s in 1999. ( You might remember that your father invited our daughter, Jennifer, to offer a liturgical dance once or twice at St. Mark's.) So you and I never developed a relationship. But ever since I learned of what you were dealing with, I’ve kept track of your posts via Caring Bridge. Each of your posts inspire me. They offer such a mature explanation of the journey you are on. I give thanks for the way you inspire us through your posts. Cris and I hold you in prayer each and every day. And I know that many others at St. Mark’s are also praying for you. I pray that our prayers, along with those of all of the rest of your friends, help to uphold you.
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Vicky Mann|Jan 12, 2021
Matt - You are always in my thoughts and, as always, I am so awed by your perspective on life and death. Namaste, my friend.
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Michael Seewer|Jan 12, 2021
Matt and Victoria: Sharing this journey with you through your blog and reflections is a blessing. Thank you for sharing with all of us, and know that prayers and love are overflowing.
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Stephanie Luz|Jan 12, 2021
Matt, you are so wise and so eloquent in your writing. Thank you for sharing. Jim and I share the tears and the hope for you. ♥️ You are loved and our hearts are with you.
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