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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I can’t help but reflect on how last year on Good Friday (April 7th), Jacob, Caden, and I drove to Seattle very early in the morning, got Jacob settled in the room at Ronald McDonald, then the boys hugged goodbye for what we anticipated would be quite some time. 

By 8am Caden was in his inpatient hospital room, and within a half hour had started Conditioning treatment (high dose chemo regimen that prepares the body for a bone marrow transplant; in every sense, destroying one’s bone marrow). Conditioning and the transplant itself were frightening, especially with the potential for serious and life threatening side effects. I chose to focus on my God though, and how He is bigger than all my fears. I saw the fact that we were beginning that process on Good Friday as a good sign. Today, on this Good Friday, Caden received his final dose of preventive chemotherapy and I pray this is the end of that chapter in his life forever. 

Of course I don’t know what the future holds, but I know the One who does. Over 2,000 years ago Jesus died on the cross, as a sacrifice for all the sins of the world. Because I have accepted Him as my savior, I know there is something much better beyond this world, and while it doesn’t fully remove the worry from my mom heart, I have hope in times of hopelessness, and the knowledge that God will carry my burdens. My prayer for each one of my friends is that you would have that secure promise too. 

John 16:33 reads, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In a couple weeks Caden will spend an entire day at Seattle Children’s where he will get a full work up as he reaches the one year anniversary of his transplant. This includes a bone marrow biopsy, and we declare now that Caden will remain cancer free. I will share an update after we reach the one year post-BMT milestone. 

Thank you for the continued prayers and we hope everyone has a blessed Easter!

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