Rob Parsons|Mar 7, 2019
Add me to the legions of friends you have never met. We are the same age--I will be 57 in a couple of months--and while any friend's death hurts, it somehow hurts more when they're my age because I don't think people my age should be dying. Life isn't fair, and you don't deserve this. I will still hope for a miracle for you and your family and friends. My life is richer for having known you through your publishing.
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christine crows|Mar 6, 2019
Im so sorry to hear about this. Today I was reading about alternative cancer treatments. If you're interested in this oil, I hear it is pretty amazing, even if it just eases any physic discomfort- I know this gets to sounding old, but - my thoughts and prayers go out to you. I mean that sincerely. If you want the site , it's here:
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Cynthia Bridge|Mar 6, 2019
We’ve never met. But through degrees of separation within birding community I know of you and now this chain of events in your life. I just want to say I have found myself here reading the poignant words of you and Wen. I am touched by your raw and beautiful wisdom. My heart weeps for you but finds comfort in your peace. Your birthday celebration sounded magical. I hope music, birding and your village continue to elevate your spirit on this difficult journey. Hugs and Peace.
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Irene Krise|Mar 6, 2019
Dear Bill,
I’m so blessed to have met you through birding. You and your family will be in my prayers. YOU ARE LOVED ❤️
Irene Krise
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Dea Lloyd|Mar 6, 2019 (edited)
Hi Bill, we’ve never met in person, but I want you to know I love you too. You’ve made a difference in my life and I will be forever grateful. May your days - and those of your friends and family - be filled with joy, love, and ease.
- Dea
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Randy Lakes|Mar 6, 2019

First of all thank you. I know I and others can't say that enough to you. Thank you for all that you have done for each and everyone of us over the past 57+ years. I know we all wish there was more that we can do or say to you, but as you know words don't seem to scratch the surface of what we feel.

I keep wondering how can I express what you have meant to so many of us and I keep coming back to the analogy of notes.

There are so many people across the globe, who because of you, have seen or heard the song or call of their "spark" bird. Maybe it was in the hills of West Virginia and they heard the song of a wood thrush for the first time. Or maybe they were with you in the Rio Grande Valley Bird Festival and heard the call of their first Great Kiskadee with you. Maybe it was a Tufted Puffin or Pigeon Guillemot in Homer. You heard it, found it through your binoculars and pointed it out to all in your group. It might have been in Africa or South America or other far flung places in the world. Ohh the places you have gone! But each of the places has someone associated with it that birded or spent time with you. And with each of the trips you took , I guarantee there was at least one birder who felt the excitement that you conveyed either in your voice or actions. And each of these people have a birdsong or call or a note that reminds them of you.

Then there are the different people who heard these other notes as you played and sung in the Rain Crows. All the gigs and all the people that heard you play. Maybe instead of a "spark" bird, there was a original or cover that you played. Just the chord or the phrasing or even a note (or off-key note :-)) is something that they will remember. More notes...

And then there are your friends, both close and casual, who remember times spent with you. Hearing you speak your "wisdom" and laughing at your insights and jokes both good and bad and just enjoying each other. After these get togethers, there were sometime emails or notes from you saying how much fun we had and we should do again soon.

From what I understand there were also a few notes to the crew at BWD. Notes about layout of the cover or how this article or photo or artwork should look . Always lot of notes.

Anyway if you think about all through your life you there have always been notes. In some spectacular way all of these notes have become a symphony that is you. Yes, it unfinished and we all hope there are many more notes that you will compose and conduct for us. But please take solace in knowing that because of you, all of us have notes in our minds and in our hearts that remind us of you. Remember that maybe today or maybe tomorrow or in the near or far future every one of us will either hear a chip note, hear a bird song, sway to a song, recall a memory and think of you. And when they do a couple things will occur - a smile will come their face and love will fill their hearts! You have made an impact to sooo sooo many and will continue to for a long long time whether you are physically here or not. Take solace in that fact and feel the love from all of us as we have from you. Keep composing the notes and feel the love. Again thank you from all of us.

Take care
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Jean Asher|Mar 6, 2019
Bill, on the birding trips we took with you we learned so much. You always made sure everyone got to see each bird we found and never made someone feel bad if it took a long time to sight the bird. We still fondly remember the trip to the Midwest Birding symposiums on the lake in Ohio, the West Virginia New River trips, and the Pothole & Prairie birding Festival in North Dakota. On that trip you found a bison skeleton the skull of which was such a prize for 9 year old Liam. You were flying back to Ohio and couldn’t take the skull with you so we took it back to Ohio in our van.
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Carla Stanley|Mar 6, 2019
I have a couple of "selfies" you took for me in Homer at the Shorebird Festival. One is of Eryn Field and you. Carmen's daughter. She was taken by cancer a couple years ago. The other is of me and you.
It was outstanding having you with us at the Festival. You were everything we hoped for...and more! Fun was the big thing...I smile just thinking about that.
Bill Thompson III...where ever you are ...I know there will be joy.. do Angel's really have feathers? We sure love all of those with feathers here on earth.
Thank you from the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival... and all the birds you have loved over the years
Especially... Turdis... your favorite!
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Mary Lou Denny|Mar 6, 2019
Your words and life inspire me . I will pray for you and your family. Thanks for all you have done and shared.
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Marianne & Dave Aplin|Mar 6, 2019
We're so lucky to have met you and experienced your joyful humor blended with a deep knowledge of birds and birders. Sending you and your family love from us and from the Kachemak Bay Bird Festival in Homer, Alaska. <3
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