Brenda Cantrell|Mar 6, 2019
I know we all wish there was better news here. I met you at the birding festival when it was in Columbus Oh. You were just as nice as I thought you be! Talked to me as if you had always known me. So glad I had that opportunity. Godspeed you are a good man!
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Linda Fischer|Mar 6, 2019
So sorry to hear this news. I just finished reading Chris Beat Cancer.
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Elizabeth Brennan|Mar 6, 2019
I’m sorry the results weren’t good. Thank you for all that you have done to promote birds and the environment. Condolences to your family.
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Scott Weidensaul|Mar 6, 2019
BT3, you've been an inspiration to me from the first time we met in your folks' place, way back in the Dead Alpaca Society days, but never more than now. I cherish every memory of our times together, from birding festivals to Indigo Hill to Hog Island. Your presence, joy, passion, talent and humor have brightened my world immeasurably, and knowing we'll have to say goodbye -- at least for now -- is immeasurably painful. Let's make a date to bird the Elysium Fields together, when the Carolina parakeets are coming in to roost. Love you, bro.
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Ronni Talpas|Mar 6, 2019
I met you at the Audubon Festival in Tucson last August and did a wonderful tour at the Paton Center. You were an inspiration then and now.
Your spirit shines through the love and caring you have for your family, friends, music, and of course, birds.
It is wonderful just to say I met you.
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Michele Sears|Mar 6, 2019
Dear Bill, Knowing you is such a pleasure. From the time we met at a Western reunion and realized we missed each other by, I think, a year, your intelligence, wit, and warm, gregarious personality made me ever more proud of the caliber of students from our college program. You nurtured my nascent love of birding and it has been a delight following your adventures since. Your allowing us on this journey as well is astounding and so very generous. Thank you for your words. My heartfelt thanks to your family and friends who are caring for your physical being and supporting your emotional well-being. You are so loved. Hugs, Michele
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Bill Wilson|Mar 6, 2019
God bless you and your family B ill and thank you for being such a bird friendly man.
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Deb Paysy|Mar 6, 2019
You are a gift to everyone who encounters you . Bless you, Bill😘
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Georgia Kagle|Mar 5, 2019
Bill, thank you for sharing your journey with us and reminding us of how fleeting and fragile life truly is. To your credit, you will continue to live on through the many people you educated about birds and inspired to birding lives. Although I only know you through your magazine, podcasts, and these posts, your life has impacted mine on a daily basis as I observe the birds around me and use the knowledge I’ve gained through you to truly appreciate them. Thank you for all you have done for me. God Bless You, Bill Thompson.
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Karen Mateer|Mar 5, 2019
Dear Bill, Thank you for helping me find multiple life birds in West Virginia and San Diego, for getting warm drinks and soup for your bedraggled group in the pouring rain, for your humor, your enthusiasm, your talent as a bird guide, your guitar virtuosity and your ability to make sure everyone is having as much fun as you seem to have. My life is richer for having met you. Sending love and light and peace to you and your loved ones.
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