Evelyn Rapp|Dec 29, 2018
In working my 12 hour shift on the 31st (hospitals may slow down but they never close for holidays) I will send as much positive thought/healing light/prayer your way as I can. You already have support beyond compare. They are some of the best medicine around!
All the best, Bill~
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Rhonda Dybiec|Dec 28, 2018
Bill. Please read this book. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/outsmart-your-cancer-tanya-pierce/1100090174?ean=9780972886789#/
I have a copy and I can drive it to you if you want to start reading it now.
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Jim McCormac|Dec 28, 2018
I was stunned to hear of this, Bill, and my thoughts are with you everyday. The sheer number of people following your progress speaks to the impact that you've made, and will continue to make. We've had great times and lots of laughs afield and elsewhere, and will have more. I received the inaugural issue of your magazine, Bird Watcher's Digest, when it came out in 1978. Still have it, with the black-and white illustration of the eastern screech-owl on the cover. Your stewardship of that magazine alone has hugely influenced the world of birds and birding; you and your family were pioneers in bringing birds to the masses. And will continue to be. But you've accomplished so much more than that. I appreciate the opportunities you have given me over the years, and I know that I am just one of many whom you have helped. Chin up, buddy, you've got an army behind you!
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Mollie Martinek|Dec 28, 2018
Laughter is the best medicine! And love is right up there too. Sending my love and a big bear hug from San Diego.
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Alicia King (Craig)|Dec 28, 2018
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts. Wishing you and your family strength though all of this. Love, Alicia
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Rhonda Mears|Dec 28, 2018
Now is the time for Bill to be a Phoenix rising out of and above the cancer.
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Jessica Beaumier|Dec 28, 2018 (edited)
At first I felt guilty that all of our eating and drinking and living it up sent you to the hospital that weekend. But now I'm thankful. Because who knows how long you would've waited to see a doctor if our fun Pittsburgh weekend hadn't set off alarms? If anyone can beat this it's you, Bill! We know you are going to kick cancer's ass! In the meantime we are wishing you peace of mind and comfort along the way. Looking forward to a visit soon whenever you are up to it. Let us know. We love you guys!!!
Jessica and Dan
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Ashley Boon|Dec 28, 2018
Thinking of you. Good luck, stay strong.
Looking forwards to sharing a beer with you again before too long!
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Janet Connolly|Dec 28, 2018
To say that Jerry was gutted with this news, Bill, is accurate. We'd also say WTF, cancer, please just stop!
Knowing him lo these many years, I kind of doubt that Jerry will be creating an account here, so I will keep up and let him know. Unless he totally surprises me.
Bill, know that your shared time in Taiwan was one of the most memorable and fun adventures for him. (He raved about your endless jokes, musical abilities and quick wit). I got to relive it through his enthusiasm.
So, here you sit. It's a life sucking thing to hear those words, that diagnosis. I heard them 5 years ago, but for a different body part and with a potentially good outcome. Still got sucked down the drain as I processed it all..., so I know that all too well.
You are getting ready to "punch the time clock" as you begin treatment. This is how I went through the paces. Just doing what the doctor ordered, trusting that where we are in time is a good place to be for this, relying on medical expertise, resting, hydrating, talking with family, letting friends help me, reading, listening to music, laughing with the techs and nurses (they are the front line warriors and you will come to appreciate them).
So go punch the time clock on Monday - get that one day in, and then the next and the next...let the rest of the world fall away when you need it to, know that we are out here pulling for you mightily.
Sending love.
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Karen Bullen|Dec 28, 2018
Sunshine hugs from good old South Africa, with a huge dose of love from Peter Lawson and Karen Bullen who think of you often and pray for you daily.
Strength to you BT3 for this journey and to all those who walk alongside you - you DO NOT walk alone!
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