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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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The New Year is upon us with tradition of making resolutions to improve our wellbeing.  As I enjoyed time with my family after Christmas, I began to contemplate how I wanted to tackle 2021 following a gut wrenching year of 2020. 

One of the recurring themes of my post-Christmas thoughts was sharing my end-of-year successes with all of my support group members.  I sit here today, blessed by the Lord, cancer free!  Tuesday, March 10, 2020, I was numb to the world and the people in my life, as I was overwhelmed with shock and self-talk of the worst case scenarios in my head.

Fast forward a few months and my focus, strength, and determination were continually bolstered by an unimaginable, and unexpected, massive support group.  I was humbled in so many ways, but as a result of this self-awareness, a seed was planted to become a better man, a more caring father, a more loving husband, a more engaged friend, and lastly, a stronger Christian.

Friday, December 11, 2020, I was freed of any lingering doubts I had about being cured.  At 7AM, I had a second follow up scan (specifically an MRI) since my final radiation treatment on Thursday, July 9, 2020.  The MRI scan looked closely at my sinuses and neck, and where the September PET scan had cleared me of cancer from my shins to the top of my head. Reviewing the MRI results with my Radiology Oncologist, Dr. Gamez, and hearing he had no concerns with the results, was liberating.  

During the MRI review, I was also encouraged by Dr. Gamez’s approach to addressing the remaining side effects from my radiation treatment.  He expressed his beliefs and observations, based on a few other patients, that mind over matter has a very real impact in cancer recovery.  He supported my desire to get back to running even though I have almost no saliva.  His explained that if the body wants to heal and the person attacks the challenge, instead of using only physical therapy and medication, he has seen results that modern western medicine cannot explain.  I submit this is the witnessing of faith and prayer in action.

Later that day I was in physical therapy for the Lymphedema in my neck, commonly known as Turkey Neck 😁.  My therapist inquired if I had ever tried acupuncture; I had not.  On Thursday, February 18th, I begin a series of acupuncture treatments to help encourage my saliva glands to become functional again.  Couple the planned acupuncture with my three-mile runs a few times a week, while using my new hydration running backpack for continuous sips of water, I WILL get these saliva glands working again.

Coming full circle back to New Year’s resolutions, I changed jobs at the end of the year, as I realized I missed working with my fantastic colleagues at Infinidat.  Last year taught me that helping others succeed in their professional endeavors was just touching the surface.  

This year I will get to know more about each of the people with whom I interact.  I will make time to learn about their families, their children, and their hobbies, etc.  Just as I intend to improve relationships with my work colleagues, I plan to improve the relationships with my family and friends.  The out pouring of genuine love, caring and support I experienced last year from so many has had a life changing impact on me.

Cancer changed me. Yes, it has left permanent effects on my body, but my support group of doctors, colleagues, friends, and certainly my family, have left a permanent impact on my spirit and my heart.  Only God knows how many years I have left on this earth, which I believe is many, but 2020 taught me the importance of meaningful relationships.  

I have a chance to give back to everyone one who lifted me up last year.  In 2021 and beyond, my goal will be to pay it forward to those in my life and those I encounter each day. I have learned the power of love and quality friendships is unmatched.

It’s time to move forward into 2021 and leave the heartaches of 2020 behind me.  I won’t ever forget the pain, the emotional struggles, nor will I focus on those challenges of 2020.   Those challenges have become my motivation, fed with love as well as caring from so many in my life.  This will be my last post on Caring Bridge as it is time to close this chapter of my life.

I truly cannot express enough gratitude to those of you who helped me throughout 2020. The calls and laughs from friends.  The distractions and mental tasks from co-workers.  The love and hugs from family and last, but certainly not least, the prayers from all of you.  I am here today, healthy, happy, physically strong, mentally tough, and emotionally motivated due to all of you who made time to support and assist me.  Thank you all, so much, and God bless you!

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