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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Psalm 145 is one of my favorite praise Psalms.  It begins with exalting and praising God, reminding us to praise His name forever.  It reminds us to tell of God's mighty acts not only now but for generations to come.  It calls us to celebrate His abundant goodness and sing of His praises.  It reminds us of God's compassion, and extols His people to praise Him for it.  It tells us to shout His mighty acts and the splendor of His kingdom.  We are reminded that He upholds us and lifts us up.  We are reminded to look to Him and let Him satisfy our desires.  We are called to speak His praises because He watches over us and takes cares of us.  It ends with these words...."My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.  Let every creature praise His holy name.  

That Psalm is a fitting one as we sit in our hotel room this evening, meditating.  Meditating on the journey we have been on these last 15 months.  There were many days of that journey that we had to focus ourselves, reorient ourselves, reaffirm to ourselves that God had a plan in all of this.  A plan to make His name known to all that came in contact with us.  A plan to bring praises to His name.  There were days when we had to choose joy for the day, because the night felt cold and raw.  There were days that we forced ourselves to open His word and meditate on what God had done, what He was doing, and what He had in store.  But, by God's grace and His love the morning dawned full of His light and love on February 14th of last year.  

Wow!  Where did the year go?  Today we had Brian's one year appointment in Cleveland.  Everything today went so smoothly.  Covid test came back before bedtime last night, so I think we both got some much needed sleep.  In the morning everything from admitting, to labs, to echo went on time and we were upstairs by 9.  The blood work and the rejection blood test are back and all is good!!  We still have to wait on the official "biopsy" result, but the blood work doesn't show any rejection.  Dr. Alberts, who performed the heart cath, was able to do it thru Brian's wrist so recovery was far less time consuming and we were out of recovery after just 2 hours!!  

Praise God with us that Dr Alberts exact words were, "That heart looks awesome!" We asked for the perfect heart, and God granted the desires of our hearts.    We have so much to be truly be thankful for!!!  God has been so good!!!    

We continue to tell everyone here about the great people who rallied around us and our family.  We honestly could not have made it through all of this without your love, prayers and support.  We don't know what the future holds, but we are blessed to know WHO holds it; we know He upholds us, He guides us, and He gives us the ability to forge ahead even when we don't know what's around the next turn.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Praise Him you creatures here below.  Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.  Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Brian and Laura   

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