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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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Hard to believe it’s been almost another 6 weeks since our last post. Brady has continued with outpatient PT, OT, and Speech at Spain in Birmingham. Typically we drive up on Sunday afternoons, have therapies on Mondays and Wednesdays, and drive back home Wednesday evenings. My precious friends Beth and Bill continue to open their home to us. I cannot express what an incredible blessing this family is to us! They have given  us so much more than just a place to stay. They have given us friendship, laughter, encouragement, comfort, and LOTS of good food!!!😉 Brady is eating things he would never eat for me, but because Mrs. Beth made it... I now “need to learn how to make” this or that per Brady!😂 Please pray God will tangibly bless this family for their selfless hospitality and friendship! 
   Brady’s recovery from the physical effects of the last stroke have been slow, but he continues to work really hard to regain full function of his right side! His short term memory is improving too and it’s so encouraging to see these small improvements! He continues to have such an amazing attitude and continues to tell me every day, “Don’t worry, be happy Mom!” 
   But now that he has regained his strength, it’s time to deal with this AVM still lurking in his cerebellum. We are currently sitting in pre-op waiting for them to take Brady back for his next diagnostic angiogram where they will shoot dye through his arteries to map all the vessels in his brain. This will allow the doctors to be able to plan his radiation treatment. My prayer, my hope is that even now, in the waiting, God is mending his vessels and this AVM will just simply NOT be there. I KNOW God is able. God formed him, every cell, with meticulous attention to every detail, with a loving, mighty hands that Brady would grow “in wisdom and stature and in favor of God and man” (Luke 2:62). And in His perfect timing chose Robert and I to be his parents. What an incredible gift!
   In His perfect plans for Brady and for us, God chose Brady to carry this health burden for this season. I may never know “why”, but I know God will accomplish His plans... and His plans are good. I am reminded of Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." This is the hardest prayer I’ve ever had to pray, but I know that God loves Brady even more than Robert and I do. And so we entrust him into the hands of His meticulous, loving, mighty Creator’s hands. 
   I ask you to please pray with us that the AVM is just GONE! Pray for Brady’s sense of peace. Pray Robert and I will have Faith to believe. Pray for the skill and knowledge for the doctors and nurses who will be caring for Brady. Pray for no complications. Pray that God will show Himself mighty!!! Pray that God will be glorified in all of this! 
   And on a side note, today is Matthew’s 15th Birthday. Please pray for his heart to know how much we love him even though we can’t be there with him! 
   'Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen' (Ephesians 3:20–21).
   With much love and gratitude!!!

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