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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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September 17th, my 27th Wedding Anniversary, and how better to celebrate by getting a bone biopsy?  Can you think of anything better?  As I was laying there ass in the air and what felt like a hook with a big ole trout being pulled out of my hip (and I am not kidding) it flipping hurt, all I could think of was, how in the world did I get here?  And now that I am here, the results of this test are going to dictate my future. 
Waiting is has never been my stronghold, surprised you didn’t know that? I honestly can say the waiting was worse than the bone puncture. 
My very aggressive Doctor Krishnan had already prescribed me to be put on another 4 cycle treatment, I was not exactly happy, but understand that she is the best of the best and her aggression will be my future and hopefully give me a long and healthy remission.  
So, on the 24th, I was back with my 2nd favorite nurse in the world Kerry, (my first favorite nurse is my sister Cindy) and my results were in, but Kerry wasn’t able to give them to me.  I was going insane.  For real.  As I was there for 3+ hours and chewing my nails, Kerry finally got permission to divulge.  
Best news ever, but did not get any confirmation on that funky chromosome 17p (i still don’t have a clue really what that is, but I do know it is what puts me in the “high risk” myeloma patients and actually stage 2 Multiple Myeloma.  Last night I received an email from Dr. Krishnan, “Hi Bonnie the FISH test was negative for 17p.”  My prayers have truly been answered and I am officially in REMISSION!!! The FISH test is a test that is used to “map” the genetic material in a person’s cells, including genes or portion of genes. I was for sure FISH was what Dr. Krishnan pulled out of my bone during that biopsy!  
That guy I have been married to for like almost ever, my stronghold, Happy Anniversary~ you got me and my bald ass for hopefully 27 more years.  To my family, and friends, life is better because of each and everyone of you. I will never be able to express my true gratitude for the out pour of love, kindness and prayers.  I ask for continual prayers as my disease is still striving for a cure, and with God’s grace a cure will be developed soon!    

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

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