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Apr 21-27

Week of Apr 21-27

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Tomorrow is the DAY!!! Blake is coming home. 127 days later and Blake is breaking free from the NICU. Nate and I are over the moon. We can't wait to bring him home and start making more memories together as a family. To say we aren't overwhelmed or terrified would be a lie. Blake is coming home on a gtube and 100ml of oxygen. 

Blake's next pulmonolgy appointment is June 3rd. Our doctor thinks at that appointment, he will instruct us to only have Blake wear the oxygen when he is sleeping, from there he will slowly be weaned off. Our goal is to be weaned off by August as Blake can't go to the Myer Center, his daycare for medically complex children, with oxygen, just his Gtube. 

Next up, his Gtube. He is tolerating it just fine. Our therapist has also given us instructions that we can feed him up to 20 ml whenever he is showing signs of hunger around his feed time. He is taking this like a champ. He finishing his bottle within 5 mins and always wants more. We are so proud of him for slowly overcoming his weak right vocal cord. We hope one day it will heal, but until then, he is compensating just fine!

We are on a pretty packed schedule with Blake at home between his oxygen needs, gtube care, gtube feedings, daily medicine and regular care, but we know that between the two of us, we will find routine. 

We promise to keep this caring bridge updated as we go along this next year and as Blake hits milestones to keep every one in the loop on his journey. We have been completley overwhelmed by the love and support shown for Blake. I feel like every friend and colleague I talk to tells me that their friends and colleagues are asking about Blake (complete strangers to us). It blows us away. We are so thankful for all the extra prayers and thoughts that have been with Blake and our family over these past 4+months. I know that we could not have gotten through this tough time without them. Blake's journey is far from over, but we are excited for what this next chapter of his life at home will be like. God bless and thank you again for thinking of us!

NICU Highlights:
- Friends made with our nurses and fellow nicu moms
- Getting to spend an extra 3 months with our sweet baby
- Watching God's creation truly come together in front of our eyes
- Experiencing the power of prayer
- Learning how to care for our baby as first time parents

What we are looking forward to most about bringing Blake home:
- Seeing Blake experience the outdoors for the first time
- Feeling like a true family in our own home
- No longer driving back and forth to hospital every day
- Watching Blake hit his developmental milestones 
- Family meeting Blake (including our sweet cat, Bleecker)

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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