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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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We are so grateful to celebrate birthdays!  

Happy 12th Birthday Julia Lauren!

“Within you is the light of a thousand suns.”

You are full of sunshine, Julia!  (Well, 97% of the time that it is!)  Your laughter and your smile light up any room and we are always so grateful for your hugs.  God gave you a spirit of compassion and it’s never more evident than when you are helping Thomas.  You are so aware of what he needs and when I catch you in those ordinary moments it fills my heart!  You are always willing to play Minecraft with him and help create his latest idea and I’ve watched more than once as you help set up his barns like the county fair.  For 12 years you have been his best friend and the empathy you show him and others is a true gift.

The last 4.5 months have sure challenged us in many ways.  We’ve had a lot of time together - times full of laughter and other times with tears.  Growing up is hard and we are learning together.  As I have told you I am far from a perfect mom and we are all a work in progress, but I always always (we say it twice when we really mean it) love you and am so proud of the person you are becoming.   You are wise beyond your years because of the journey you’ve been on.

You still love gymnastics, dance, softball, volleyball, showing sheep, being at the lake - especially when Meghan is there, coloring with Grandma Bidne and any time spent with family and friends.  You missed out on some of your favorite things because of all that is going on in the world, and when you were able to have some of that back there was definitely joy.  You also love to imagine and build - you and Dad could spend hours at the LEGO table.  I know that one day your creativity and your compassion will work together to do some pretty amazing things!  

One thing you hear from us often is to “slow down” (except when you are running the bases or getting ready for bed) - you tend to rush through things and then need to redo them or try and get from point a to point b so fast that we hear “ouch” a lot from you running into things.  But, I do appreciate that you are quick to love and to care about others - I admire that about you!  Those traits are a gift that will help light your way!  I pray you are able to start 6th grade and join your friends and classmates at the Middle School - although I’m not sure I’m ready for that!

Thank you for filling our world with so much sunshine and reminding us that hugs and ice cream really can make most things better!  My prayer for year 12 is that you continue to “Be a Light” to all those around you.  We love you so much and are so proud of you!

Happy Birthday, Jules!

Love, Mom

Happy 12th Birthday Thomas Michael!

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

You radiate light and joy, Thomas!  Your heart, your love, your compassion and your smile is a blessing to so many!  God gave you a spirit of happiness and you can’t help but share that with all who are lucky enough to know you.  For 12 years you have kept us on our toes - you push us and challenge us every single day to be better parents and better people.  You help us celebrate successes that are big and small and we are more grateful every day that you are here with us!

The things that make you smile the most remain the same - Julia, farms, giraffes, animals, the fair, pep band, crazy songs, basketball, the Hawkeyes, random Fortnite stories, text messages from Pete with pictures of the cats, Facetime with your favorite people and of course, Reese’s!  In your eyes, the best time of the year is fair season and because of everything going on in the world right now we were not sure you would get that.  While things are definitely different, you’ve still loved being up at the fair.  Every year when our two ewe lambs come for the summer I know most of your excitement is that it means you get to spend time out at Dan’s barn - you like the sheep, but you love the donkey, the cat and the cows just as much and it’s even better when Logan is there too!  You love time spent at the Tewes farm as well - both in person and on the cameras - and have the best friend in Meta who spent time each week Facetiming you during quarantine so you could feel like you were at the barns.  You’re pretty lucky to have such a good friend!

One thing you have REALLY missed is sports - no March Madness was a disappointment and you are sure hoping there will be football to watch this fall!  Baseball has never really been your thing, but I even find you watching the Twins - just thankful to have some sports back to watch!

You love when we give you a hard time so I keep telling you that Dad and I are going to be your teachers until you graduate!  That will make you ready to go back to school above all else since you don’t like that your “summer school teachers” make you read and do math each day!  You really do miss your friends, teachers and school in general and this year you’re pretty excited because you will officially be able to join the band!  (The rest of us - much to Julia’s dislike - are more entertained by the thought of you dancing up a storm at middle school dances.  Although that might only be wishful thinking right now!)

Thank you for filling our world with so much laughter and  joy!  My prayer for year 12 is that you continue to “Be a Light” to all those around you.  We love you so much and are so proud of you!

Happy Birthday T-Train!

Love, Mom


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