Help Bethanne Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Bethanne’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 30 donors who have made a donation in honor of Bethanne.

In honor of Bethanne Moles and with great love
Mary Bond | Feb 2, 2011
In honor of Bethanne Moles. Love in Christ to Bethanne & her family!!
The Lofgren Family, MN | Jun 26, 2011
With love and prayers and trust in God's perfect plan for Bethanne
Amy Brink | Jul 29, 2011
In honor of Bethanne Moles with prayers and hope in Christ our Lord. Thanks for the Christian example you made in my life!
Tricia Sexton Heyward | Dec 5, 2011
In honor of Bethanne Moles and family. Thank you for keeping us connected.
Jane Fischer | May 3, 2012
In honor of Bethanne Moles May you experience new 'touches' from the Lord @ Christmas! Have a sweet time with the kids home for the holidays.Miss CgU
Kim and David Simms | Dec 25, 2012
In honor of Bethanne Moles, my dear classmate and friend from Decatur High School Class of 1975. I am praying for you and your family. Love to you,
Susan McGowin Hall | Jan 21, 2013
In honor of Bethanne Moles. We celebrate you on this special day. May The Lord continue to give you grace and encouragement as you have blessed and encouraged many through your testimony. With love, Happy Birthday
Ted and Judy | Sep 18, 2013
I, Cinda Marturano, without having to pour ice water over my head, donate to CaringBridge, in honor of a sweet, smart and beloved sister in Christ. Memories of joy, shared prayers and mutual kindness will never leave me, they are forever.
Cinda Marturano | Aug 24, 2014
In honor of all of God's children who suffer, including Bethanne Moles. Given with love--
Mary Bond | Dec 11, 2015