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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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These days people tell you how vlogging can be a powerful tool for the blogs success. What with the high speed connection in most families and YouTube making an impact on millions of people out there, movie has become such a cool tool to play with that nearly everyone is definitely it and some even abusing it.

This is where, I believe, vloggers get it wrong. If you look at YouTube for example you get to see some quite naff videos being made which don't get much exposure, the particular filp side being that you get some which bring home a reasonable share of viewers and others which go completely airborne -and get an audience of millions.

I have recently took in in on a teleseminar with Maria Andros who talked about seven ways to improve your video skills and get a much better chance of bringing in a higher number of viewers then if you did not have a plan in mind to begin with.

So , here we opt for the 7 steps to vlogging for success:

Step 1 : Welcome your audience.
But before you even turn on typically the camera, (a tip from Maria) to get yourself within the zone, do some jumping jacks, flips, splits, whatever it takes in order to shift your energy and get the good vibes flowing through your program. Then you're ready to say 'I'm ready for that close-up Mr Demille'; -)
And once you're ready, make sure you setup the best vlogging camera at the appropriate angle (preferably on a tripod), flick on the ON switch, press that RECORD switch and get ready for the introduction. That's right boys & young ladies, you want to welcome your viewers first by introducing your self and try and be as natural as you can, pretend most likely talking to a friend of yours. But if you still feel a little apprehensive, do some more somersaults; -)

Step 2 - Set up credibility with your viewers.
What that means is that even though you aren't still a complete miserable failure in the internet marketing game, that isn't to say that you don't have something of value to share with your target audience. I'm sure, in fact , I'm certain that you're a person of many talents which you've accomplished many things in life, so talk to your viewers very first about your past success in life, the awards that you've possibly won, the books that maybe you've written and also the challenges that you've overcome in the past. It's not boasting, it's simply giving your audience that nudge of encouragement that you will be someone worthy of listening to.

Step 3 - Keep your audience curious throughout your video.
In this day and age of numerous channels and numerous vlogs on the web its easy for your audience to reduce interest and flip onto another silly vid of the girl with low cut top and over exposed bossoms, so keep them wanting more. Hook them in with some best tips if you have to, draw their interest, tease their sensory faculties and even add some humour to grab their attention. Remember the old saying WIIFM (what's in it for me? ) Your audience desires to know what they'll be getting out of watching your vid, so if you may convince them that what you have to deliver overides a couple of mammeries then you're on the right track to keeping them updated to the very end.

Step 4 - share your tale with the world.
Let go of your ego here, and don't end up being shy to share with your audience the reason for your vloggings to begin with. I'm sure we're all here for most of the same reasons so always be truthful about why you are here in the first place? What made you choose to become an Internet Marketer? Open up to your audience and allow them to view the real you. After all, we're all human beings at the end of the day.

Step 5 rapid Paint the problem.
'Are you sick and tired of being... Sick and tired? ' Tell your audience some of the major problems we're facing these days, and the crap that most of us have to deal with. Credit scrunches, Share divings, Repossesions, Foreclosures, Recessions, Redundencies, should I go additional? Yes, they've all had it up to here along with 2008 but they still have to be reminded of what is stalking behind the corner of 2009 and what they can still be dealing with unless...

Step 6 - Provide a solution.
... You can help them modify for the better. So what can you do to soothe their problems, relieve their troubles, calm their nerves. What's your options for a happier 2009?

Step 7 - Call to Action.
And just similar to the good ol' days when we were kids who enjoyed to play Simon says you will do the same thing with the grown ups Because people like to be told what to do. We are taught from an childhood to follow the leader - what Simon says - correct? So be that Simon, or Janet, or Leader, or Tracey and tell your captivated audience that you really and passionately want to help them and make a difference in their life. So call them for action and get your audience to perform what you ask from them to do whether it be to join your subscriber list, download your e-book, buy your software, or simply visit your site.

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