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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Today at 7:50am, Ben passed on from this world to meet our Holy Savior. 

He fought hard for many months and never stopped fighting. He truly went, as he said he would, swinging.  

In the past 48 hours, Ben took a turn that made it clear that the end was coming. 
With his mom and I by his side, Ben took his last breath peacefully and knowing what was next. 

Instead of focusing on his last moments, I'd like to focus on Ben's life and the way that he lived in a way that we might all take inspiration from. 

I've said that one of the things that truly made me fall in love with Ben 12 years ago, was the way that he made everybody feel like they were somebody. As we cashed out at the store, and the cashier might ask "hi, how are you?" expecting a passive "good thanks" in response. Ben always took pause, making eye contact, asking, "Are you having a good day today?" ... and then actually waiting for a response. I watched countless faces light up from fast food to retail - a worker who did not expect someone to actually care how they were doing feel noticed. 

I watched over the years as Ben stopped and spent hours pushing cars from the ditch in the snow with his own bare hands. Gianni is most proud of the time he watched his dad pull over and push 5 cars through an intersection, one by one. I know that Gianni got his helper mentality from his dad. 

I have heard from superiors in the Army for many years that Ben is "one of the good ones." This sentiment didn't come because he was forceful in regulation, but that he was known to set an example in working and living with humility and honor. His leaders mentioned that, rather than looking down on others, he took them under his wing to help them become the best version of themselves. 

Likewise, I have heard from countless soldiers that have worked alongside Ben, that he was a light and motivation in times they were in uncertainty or darkness. That he pushed them when they needed, but was loving as he led. Ben was the best definition of an encouraging leader in his field. 

At home, Ben inspired his oldest son to be his best. Gianni continuously lifts others up, from making others feel welcome to pulling a bully aside at school to ask and understand before encouraging his friend to do better. 

In the midst of sadness for our loss, let us all walk away now knowing that in Ben's words, "we can't see it as giving up" 
But what he did give up is suffering. He gave up cruelty. He gave up disease. He up cancer. 

Let us all find comfort in that Ben walks in the light having gained eternal life. He gained everlasting love. He gained Heaven. He gained knowing Jesus by face and name. He gained the miracle that we can ALL attain: a wholeness of eternity with our Father in Heaven. 

Most of all, let us all live like Ben. I urge you: make someone feel like they're somebody today. Go through your life and find a way to purposefully show kindness in everything you do. Honor Ben by continuing his legacy of great leadership through compassion and love. 

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." Luke 15:20  

HE saw him from a long way off, and ran to Ben. HE saw him and let him know: He's HOME. 

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