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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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i can’t believe this milestone is already here.  honestly, i can’t believe it’s already feb!!! 😂 how does time fly so fast?!?  

i was so excited to hit the 6 month mark to see how things would be at this moment.  so here’s the scoop on life these days 😊

in the last week i feel more like who i was before i started feeling like crap (and i started feeling like crap in nov 2019 - this is also probably when toby the tumor started to grow).  it’s the best feeling in the world!!!!!  i can go an entire day without absolutely having to have a 2-3 hour nap, the hair i lost is starting to grow back and it’s almost a 1/2 inch now - whoooooohooooooooooo!!!!!  have been working out since mid jan and it feels amazing…it’s my fave thing to do and i have missed it so much.  i can read books again, not for long because it starts to drain my energy but at least i can read again cuz i missed that a ton.  i am able to wake up and actually accomplish some stuff before our daughter presley wakes up 🥰  i’m getting better at keeping up with texts and can email a teeny bit.  there's definitely more that has improved but i’ll just leave it at that cuz those are the things i’m most excited about.  

during chemo and radiation i became so tired it was impossible to have the energy to get on here and update.  plus i felt like a debbie downer because i was so exhausted.  imagine how you feel after having eaten thanksgiving dinner…soooooooo tired and ready for a nap.  then imagine u went back for 2nd and 3rds.    that is the amount of fatigue i felt daily.  if you have ever been pregnant it’s almost like that 1st trimester tiredness times 10.  so ‘extra’ stuff slipped for a while.  

since october ‘21, when i posted last, we got to see kevin’s parents in person for the first time since dec 2019 🤗🥳 our daughter presley is potty trained, we all got covid as a fam (we had mild cases thankfully), had an amazing thanksgiving and christmas, had a fun/chill nye, started chemo again, kevin and i celebrated our b’days, i got shingles on my face (ugh, that just sucked lol.  i don‘t even like saying shingles let alone having it 😝😆) and now here we are and its almost valentines day 💗

my chemo sched that started in january will be:
- 5 days of chemo pills each month @ the beginning of the month 
- the daily dose is 400mg, in jan it was 280mg and i was out of commission for 9 days so we’ll see how this extra 120mg/day goes.  this is why i got shingles people!  lol.  that 400mg intimidates me because 280mg knocked my ass to the ground.  SO THANKFUL for kev and my fam because they step up and help out so incredibly much.  it’s amazing how much they do to help us out.  love u guys!!!  best fam ever! 
- every 2 months i’ll get an mri.  the mri i had in dec looked great!!  my surgeon and oncology doctors were very happy with the way things are healing.  i still have a big hole in my brain though.  thats always so bizarre to see on the mri images. 
- i have monthly appointments with my oncology dr. to check in.  

that’s it for now.  there’s definitely some stuff i want to post on here in the future but for now there’s the low down on how things have been goin.  

thank you for the outpouring of care, love, support and prayers. it is palpable.  it makes all the difference in the world.  it has been one of the biggest factors that has helped me continue to heal so well.  all of you are amazing and we are so thankful for you.  

much love,
buffalo bex - will explain this one another time 😜

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