Help Barb Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Barb’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 39 donors who have made a donation in honor of Barb.

In honor of Barb Morray - Go Barb!! We are rooting for you all the way Our very best wishes. Jan & Ed
Janet and Ed Pavlin | Dec 4, 2021
is support of a wonderful woman, partner, mother, grandmother and friend!
Leslie & John Carey | Dec 2, 2021
Oh bummer. Cavity, thanks for sharing. I know your Mom is the toughest patient I know so she will battle this. Long may she reign. Fingers crossed a great plan gets developed. Thinking only good thoughts for you all. Anne
Anne Lynn | Nov 23, 2021
Just found out about this website. Barb is a dear friend, and is in my thoughts all the time. An amazing woman and a friend, who has been there for me when I have had hard times. Stay strong all of you. You are much cared and loved. Anita
anita chang | Feb 2, 2021
Janet & Ed Pavlin | Dec 22, 2020
Jim Healy | Oct 27, 2020
Your gym buddies wish you the best. We miss you and look forward to seeing you again. Love you Debbie Juntunen
Healthy wIshes, Debbie Juntunen | Apr 18, 2020
Leslie & John Carey | Mar 7, 2020
Dan Gregory | Feb 17, 2020
Because your site is so helpful to keep updated without dunning families who need their rest time.
A Supporter | Feb 14, 2020