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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all your continued prayers, encouragement, and support since Ava Grace Irons passed away.  Our sweet Ava Grace is now at home in Heaven.  We have been blessed with a lot of amazing people reaching out to us asking to help us during this time.***Please note that a tribute on Caringbridge does not go to Ava Grace and goes to Caringbridge***  We have created a GoFundMe page as a way for those who feel they would like to bless our family during this time:

We thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts. What we ask most, is for your prayers.



Ava Grace’s service went beautifully on December 23rd.  We are so thankful we were able to honor her in such a beautiful way.  Thank you to all who helped make this happen.  The chapel was filled with family, friends, love and flowers. 💕🌷💕🌷 

We were blessed to have been able to have my good friends, Sarah and Krystee, sing an absolutely beautiful song and the wonderful harpist, Carolyn, play a beautiful mix of songs woven together.  Carolyn used to play for Ava in the hospital.  She played a mix of special songs woven together on her harp and both these performances added such a special touch.  Ava used to just light up when she would see Carolyn walk into her room. It didn’t matter if she was almost asleep in my arms, when she saw her or heard her play, she would light right up and watch her so intensely.  I feel Ava received so much joy from this and it was so heartwarming to have her play one last song for our sweet baby girl.  My sister in law, Madison put together a beautiful slideshow of Ava that brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it.  We were blessed with the help of my sister, Lindsey and her colleague to make the reception atmosphere so beautiful with the scent of flowers and yummy food, including some of Ava's favorite foods.  It was supposed to rain the day of the service but the rain held off until after everything was finished and the last butterfly was flying away during the butterfly release.  💕🦋💕 

If anyone is interested in watching the service please private message us and we will send you a link. Unfortunately the angle of the camera filming was unable to capture all the singers in the song or Carolyn, but thankfully you can still hear their beautiful music.

Below we have attached the slideshow that was shown during the service. We remember Ava Grace so full of life, smiles and joy.  She will always be our miracle baby girl. Our lives will forever be changed for the good by her.  We are so thankful we were chosen to be her parents and she will forever be loved. We will see you again in heaven baby girl. We love you so much Ava Gracie. 💖

We will be heading back to Houston, Texas this week.  We plan to return to Houston until we are able to move back to San Diego.  It is hard to leave San Diego without Ava. We miss her so incredibly much already. I have learned that when you lose a child you never “get over it” and you never want to “get over it.” There is a part of us that will forever be missing on earth now but we continue to believe God’s plan is better than we can imagine. We will continue to trust in Him and just know one day we will be reunited with our sweet girl.

Ava Grace may be flying high in heaven above us now but her story remains here on earth as well as all of those she has touched.  Ava’s fight will be remembered and we feel her story will continue to touch others.  Thank you for joining our family in this fight. Thank you all who have been here through the tears, the smiles and the laughs. We want to start something to continue to honor our daughter and to use the experiences and battles we have been through to help others.  We are not quite sure what this will look like yet but we do know Ava Grace’s impact will continue.  We believe Ava’s fight will continue to help others. 


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 43:18

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