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May 05-11

Week of May 05-11

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It has been awhile since I posted any update on Archie so I’ll try to do that now with help from Harley. 

First we wish to thank you all for all the love and prayers that have carried us this past year.  It is not possible to repay or even give thanks for all the love shown by all you precious friends and relatives locally and from east to the west who made time in your busy schedules to stop by for a visit.  We know our Heavenly Father will repay you all.

Archie is slowly progressing; his steps are stronger & he stands upright.  In PT he can push and pull his arm slowly and bring it into his chest also slowly.  On the saebo arm device at therapy he is able to move his arm up and down. He has slight movement in his fingers particularly his thumb and pointer finger.  Slowly, like the tortoise he will win the race.

He started speech again in November with a speech therapist in Sturgis. She had an entirely different approach rather than concentrating on a device to communicate with (a tablet). She began strengthening his facial muscles; his jaw muscles, lips, etc. Archie can now say 7-8 “m words” like mom, momma, my, Maia (which brings tears of joy to our Maia), moo, may etc

6 or so “w words” like why, wow, way, whoa, etc

Several “b words” like boy, bye, boo.  

The other day as he walked out of our bedroom he turned right to go into the kitchen/living room

He usually walks down our long hallway for exercise so I said walk down the hall and Archie said 'Why'. I replied 'cuz u need the exercise’. So he turned left and walked down the hall. He used why in the proper context. Thanks be to God! And thanks be to God for Archie’s obedient heart. 

Archie works so hard!!! In PT last week the therapist had him on the leg press machine.   With both legs he pressed 105 lbs 10 times,  then with just his right leg he pressed 55 lbs 10 times and then another 10 times with both legs at 105 lbs.  When she got to 'ten' she asked 'Have u got another 5 in u, Archie? He pressed another five nearly crying, but he did it. She had no mercy and he had other exercises she had him complete in that days session.

Archie has PT and OT Monday and Wednesday in spearfish.  Speech Tuesday and Thursday in Sturgis. And in between  usually weekly chiropractor and acupuncture appointments

with occasional doc appointments thrown in the mix.

We have been able to get to church on Sundays - thanks b to God - and for the am Christmas patches. The pm patches we received at home because I don't like driving at night.

Please continue to carry us with a forgiving heart and prayers as we strive onward to our Heavenly and Eternal Home to join all our loved ones who have already won their victory. 

Prayers for a blessed New Year to.

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