Help Annie Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Annie’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 18 donors who have made a donation in honor of Annie.

Praying for you daily, especially during this Advent season. God is our Hope always!
Freddie Buckner | Dec 6, 2021
Annie...are you able to have visitors? are there any books/authors you like? continued love, prayers, and blessings to you, all the medical staff, and of course, your family...Love...Mariana Jones Meaders
Love...Mariana Jones Meaders | Dec 5, 2021
Annie, am thinking about you and praying for your health and full recovery! Lots of people love you including me!
Rachel (Ram) | Dec 5, 2021
Hoping you are feeling better. Praying for a speedy implant resolution. God bless you. Delilah and Bradley Brown
Delilah Brown | Dec 1, 2021
It was quite the coincidence that I ran into Mr. Dragoo twice in one week, and fortunately I was able to hear about this page. Here's to many more years of the Golden Age for the Red Dragon Players, and Annie, you and your family are in my prayers!
Mr. Mantalini | Nov 30, 2021
You can do this, Annie. Life will be so much sweeter when you are through it. We send you our love and positive thoughts.
Betty and Charlie | Nov 17, 2021
Sending love and positive thoughts your way Annie!
Nora Mullarkey Miller | Nov 15, 2021
Continued prayers
Kara Messer | Nov 15, 2021