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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Treatment Options


We have been offered 3 different treatment types one of which isn't an option so we are down to 2.


Tecfidera is a simple pill twice a day. The way I've been describing this treatment is imagine a stop sign every time Andy's brain sends a signal down his spinal chord , the stop sign comes out and the signal is free to travel while blocking the MS. Tecfidera actually coats the nerve fibres (the long and short of MS is the immune system attacks the nerve fibres and strips the protective coating called Myelin. It can also block signals getting to the right part of body hence loss of speech and the ability to swallow, the loss of muscle mass and incontinence. The signal to work these areas is lost in transit) by coating the nerves the pill soothes the nerves and slows the progression of the disease by up to 80% with flare being reduced by half meaning a normal life can be resumed with few flares. Tecfidera also slows the development of new brain lesions with some trials showing  no new lesions developing over a 5 year period. This simple little tablet also slows the development of disability associated with MS by 80% (sorry Andy your nitrous powered  scooter  plans have been delayed) 



Ocrevus is an infusion every 6 months, Andy is hooked up to a machine very similar to chemorthapy for several hours while the drug is pumped into his blood via an IV line. Ocrevus has the highest success rate as far as reducing flare and reducing the development of new lesions but... it also has the highest risk factor with side effects and other health issues developing.  


Should Andy go with Ocrevus Common side effects include increased risk of infections, including herpes,  flu and other viral infections (not ideal during a global viral pandemic ) infections of the skin, sinuses, respiratory tract, stomach and bowel. As you know Andy has been hit with several infections over the last few months  leading to hospitalisation, 3 different types of antibiotics totalling over 1000 antibiotics taken over a 4 month period so Andy HAS to be 100% infection free to start this treatment. While on Ocrevus he has to have monthly blood and urine tests as well as liver and kidney function tests. 


Ocrevus will also massively impact the extended family unit, it strips away a large part of his immune system where the common cold can kill him, the treatment can do away with every symptom of MS but he won't be able to leave the house for the first 18 months. It means I will have to give my jobs up and shield with him to avoid bringing something home, the house has to be spotless and we could end up in separate bedrooms with no physical contact. A couple in their 30s who can't even cuddle...madness! It also means anyone who hasn't had the covid vaccine can't enter our house and vice versa 😒

Thankfully Andy has decided to try Tecfidera first, if he responds well he can leave the house without looking like an extra from outbreak waving a sign "say it don't spray it" and it means I can continue farting on him first thing on a morning 😁 


There are several different types of MS treatments available and these options will change as the disease progresses but for now 2 tablets a day is our option and the best option for both of us. 


Thanks for reading folks, have a wonderful day ❣


Andy & Lou



Quote of the day 

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. 


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