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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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How does one celebrate (is celebrate even the right word) the 1st anniversary of a stroke during a pandemic??!?  Well, I did what my Mother would do an googled it :)  A blog from a 32 year old stroke survivor appeared.  Her list of 6 things she now lives by resonated with me.  As I reflect on my past year, I thought this would be inspirational for each of you and of course I will add my own commentary!

1.  Make your health a priority - So important and it is never, never too late.  Just start with baby steps

2.  Re-prioritize - This one has impacted me the most and I had many things to re-prioritize.  I was a career-driven businesswoman, I have come to accept this is no longer my journey.  I used to have my days, weeks so packed full of stuff to do, now I have come to embrace the slowness of life.  Yes, I do still have goals and strive to accomplish those, I also let the day come to me and enjoy the PEACE.

3.  Choose to be happy - I believe I have always been a happy person.  Because of my stroke I do suffer from depression and anxiety.  Happiness is still a choice - yes some days are harder than others, no one said life would be easy - You have this choice

4.  Live with Intent- Stay positive, work hard, make it happen

5.  Love and love a lot - I can truly say we never know if you will wake up the next day to get the chance to say I love you.  If your parents are alive, spend time with them - I am blessed as I can call my Mom whenever I want and I do call her, or email her, or text her :) !  Call your siblings - they are your first and lifelong friends - Even though the 4 of us live in different cities and states, I have gotten to see each of them in person this year.  We stay together as a family every week on zoom when I constantly learn about technology from my nieces and nephews! 

6.  Live in Faith and Gratitude - Most important one.  period.  I thank God every morning and night for all the countless blessings in my life

One year ago, one of the worst days of my life.  I will forever be grateful for all of your thoughts, prayers and support.  Because of each of you, I was able to work hard and focus on my recovery.  While I am not 100% back to the way I was, I am 100% AMY and I am very blessed.

So yes, today is a celebration!! 

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