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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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After visiting the Houston Methodist Outpatient Transplant Center for the 3rd time, it is clear to me how much the doctors, nurses and staff respect and care about us donors! It's a very reassuring feeling. Their job all day every day is to make sure we are cared for physically and emotionally.

By the time I arrived this time, they had already debriefed my new surgeon on all the details. The first thing out of my coordinator's mouth as she walked through the door was, "Get over here and give me a hug!" She has been nothing but empathetic about the emotional roller coaster that occurred last trip. The social worker told me I needed to be proud of myself that I had made it this far! She was impressed with my children's strength as well. I shared stories about how we prepared the kids for me to be gone for so long and asked if she could share some of them with other donors. She also knows I have a social work degree and said "it must be the social worker in you!" I've written them lunch card notes as surprises in their lunch bags. I planned play dates with friends who make their world happier. They also have a gift to open each day I'm gone (kind of like stocking stuffers - the things they need but also some surprises and fun activities to do). It's funny when I call, they tell me what gift they got that day. Kailyn called yesterday to inform me she was on her last gift. Some of them are hair bands and Chapstick...we aren't talking extravagant. It's the idea of surprise and giving. I was thinking about them, they are thinking about me, and that's what makes them happy. I've missed our wedding anniversary, Lily's first school field trip, and will miss Halloween and Nate's birthday. I'm praying I get to come home before Lily's birthday. All small things in the larger picture, but it doesn't make that moment any easier, especially when it's so many things put together. It's these little things I didn't expect to care about so much. I would do this all over again (maybe differently) but I have no regrets on my decision. 

The one regret I do have (and I've mentioned before) is doing part of this alone. When I came in for testing I flew by myself there and back. There were nights in the hotel by myself. I did have someone to go to appointments with me and drive me places which I was thankful for, but I regret not having someone stay with me. I share this often because its something I strongly encourage for people who are considering becoming a living donor. Find a friend! Find a relative! I've learned however, those are big shoes to fill! My mom was on a trip she had planned for years, my aunt and uncle came the first time along with one of my friends (they were going to do a half way switch because the amount of time involved). We decided it was better for my kids if they both stay home this time around. Now who was I to ask to come a second time? Who could stop everything in their own personal life to come with me on this second trip for now another 3 consecutive weeks? I can tell you this is where I get my saying about Tupperware "It's not just about the plastic bowls." From Tupperware I've built life long friendships that have been a huge piece to this adventure. Because of those friendships I have some of the best friends who have come with me to help take care of me while in Houston, I have friends "holding down the fort" at home with extra hugs and visits with my kids, and I have friends who have been checking in with me often sharing kind words and prayers. These friends are teammates (upline, downline, and everywhere in between), hostesses, customers, and my groupies (yes, you know who you are)...all now who I call friends!

I couldn't imagine trying to do this with a required 9-5 job. I did laugh when the surgeon asked "when do you need to return to work?" Implying she would write me a doctor's note. I told her I was self employed and I would probably be working from the hospital bed. She thought that was great! Honestly, my favorite part about this suergon is that she was very focused on  the fact that every patient is differnet and it is up to me about my recovery. She's there to support me. Now I wonder if she would host a Tupperware party? I mean, my pastor did ask..."Can't they just do the surgery at home and put the kidney in a Tupperware container then send it to Houston?" Maybe this can start something? Come on people, laugh! That was funny! There's been too many tears so laughing is good!

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