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Jun 02-08

Week of Jun 02-08

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I had to write to tell you how I have seen God moving in my life through this cancer experience and how God has been and is so faithful through all things. 

I have 5 days left of radiation and so far I have been doing pretty good.  Have a few moments in the day that my mouth hurts and is uncomfortable.  Thank God for this drug called Magic Mouthwash.  It is Lidocaine, Antacid Liquid, and Benadryl.  You combine equal amounts together and swish and spit and then it numbs your mouth for a short bit, enough time to drink the meals or just get a bit of relief.   Not sure why these medicines mixed together work but I am happy it does. 

So after the last 5 days of radiation, the soars and sensitivity don't disappear and my sense of taste isn't supposed to come back for maybe 2-3 weeks after. One thing that has been extremely helpful has been this thing called red light therapy that I do every day before radiation.  I have had minimal soars compared to others that don't do it.  Yesterday when I was there I asked if this treatment continues after radiation and they said it does for two - three weeks after.   I am SO glad, because I notice on the weekends when I don't get the treatment my mouth is more tender.  GOD IS SO LOOKING OUT FOR ME, I CAN FEEL IT!  

I don't know if you all remember, but way back in these post or maybe in private conversations with you all, I was so fearful of the pain that I was going to be feeling in my mouth with the radiation and I asked God for some relief.  It was shortly after that prayer that I got a call from the dentist office that offers this red light therapy.  Some may think a coincidence but I think God answered my prayer.  He is always watching over me and providing for me.  And through this process I have had not had as much pain as others that I have met.  Just yesterday, I met a man at radiation that is also undergoing the same treatment for mouth cancer.  He also has 5 more days of treatment, however he seems in a lot more pain than I was.  I asked him if he used the Magic Mouth Wash and he said the Lidocaine made his mouth feel worse and it wasn't helpful for him. I then asked him if he was doing red light therapy.  He had no clue what I was talking about.  He asked who my Dr's were and we had ALL the same Dr's.  I told him I thought my Dr's recommended it to me, and he was a bit bummed that it was not mentioned to him.  I felt bad for him that he was in so much pain. But we exchanged numbers and I gave him the number to the dentist that does the treatment.  He is going to call to see if he can get at least a little bit of the treatment even though it is almost over.  I pray for him that he can get some relief.  I am also SO THANKFUL to GOD that he has provided for me during this time and had heard my prayer.  

For all my prayer warriors out there - I am planning on going to see my family in NC in three weeks!!!  I am so excited but it is so soon after radiation.  Brian and Henry are going to be away so I figured it was better then staying at home. When I told my Dr's, they all said it was doable - one was concerned with making sure that I was allowed to take my shakes on the plane since they are a higher volume of liquid then I am allowed.  She said she would write me a medical letter saying I needed to have these things since I can't eat anything else and also for me to be able to take my medication since I am a cancer patient. (Praise God - he is paving the way) My OT for my neck was concerned with swelling since I don't have any lymph nodes - but said it should be fine if I either use my head wrap on the plane or after I got off. (Another Praise) My other was more  concerned with how it might be hard for me or my family with me only being able to drink my shakes and not being able to partake in food. I figured I would still be drinking my shakes and I wasn't even thinking about that - because I am planning on going back to reconnect with my family to tell them how much they mean to me and be able to share some quality time with each one of them. If I have to drink my shakes while they eat I am not too worried, cause I do that now with my own family and I know my family is so amazingly cool that it will just be amazing to reconnect with them one on one.  

So here is my prayer for my prayer warriors - that first that the pain in my mouth and soars are gone and that I won't need to take the medication and that my neck won't swell.  And throwing it in there - that my sense of taste starts to comes back so I can start to eat again.  Shakes are getting pretty annoying lol - but I am thankful for them. I ask this in the name of Jesus.  
I know I am asking BIG PRAYERS -but God say "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it." John 14:13-14

I have tried to glorify God throughout this whole process and I know he has a plan for me and that it is good, so whatever comes I will glorify God and Jesus through it all.  

God is good all the time and all the time  God is good!!!!   

My favorite line from this song below is -

"If it's not good then He's not done, no He's not done with it yet!" 

God has thrown me and my family through the loop with this cancer - and it was not good - so God must not be done.  And I am so glad for that. I am now ready after this crazy adventure to do God's work - He has great plans for me and I can't wait to finally finish with this cancer so I can sing his praises as I look back and see all that he has done for me.      

I find that through this process I have seen God and joy through this. Especially in all the people he has brought in my life and those that have so patiently and lovingly walk besides me.  Thank you so much to all of you.  
Hope you like the song and take time to listen . 

Joy in the Morning

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