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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Here is another update. Thanks for your time and prayers!

We had a fun busy summer and I have been feeling almost back to normal yay! I have been on hormone therapy pills for a few months now and have good and bad days, but overall I think I am adjusting to them now. My main side effect is tiredness.
My Her2 treatment ended at the end of June, and I am scheduled to have my port removed soon🤗.
I will start another anti-hormone treatment at the end of the month. They will be monthly shots. Please pray that I will have no negative side effects. 
My immune system has been recovering, but I keep getting mild cases of shingles. I just had my 3rd bout, so please pray I can get the vaccine as soon as possible and have no more runs with it.
I am still mildly sore from radiation, and the radiologist said I need to be careful with side effects even in years to come, so I am trusting God for His protection!
Big prayer request:
This Thursday morning (tomorrow)I have another PET scan (full body). Please pray it is clear and that with God's grace, it will show that the treatments plus surgery from this past year have been effective.
My oncologist also said that these next milemarkers are very crucial for me to meet. That the type of cancer I had cannot lay dormant; so if I can, God willing, make it to year 8 or 10, he can even call me cured. Wow that is news! Please pray for wisdom and strength so I know what is God's will and how much I should take on.
Ways I have seen God at work:
*Sending the perfect Scriptures my way right when I need to hear them. These Scriptures have been especially comforting lately: 
*2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
*Giving me the grace I need each day. He has been showing me that suffering can actually be a gift in disguise as we often get to know God in deeper ways through hard times in our lives, not the easy times. And through suffering, our testimonies and lights shine brighter and can point people to Jesus. That is a reason to rejoice! I highly recommend the movie Father Stu that I just watched recently (be advised it is rated R). It is based on a true story and the main character played by Mark Wahlberg learns the value of suffering. Then he quotes the 2 Corinthians passage at the end which I already had on my phone. Yes, I bawled my eyes out. God is so faithful and present. He sees me. He sees you in your suffering and is holding us through it! He is so powerful that He can even use it for good! Be strong in His power, friends and do not give up.
*My sinuses and hearing seem to be better lately so thank you for all of your continued prayers! Hopefully most of the chemo is out of my system now.
*My oncologist keeps asking me how neuropathy has been in my fingers and toes, and yall I have had hardly any problems with it whatsoever and I know many of you prayed for this! Especially because of my violin playing. I guess neuropathy is a major side effect that doesn't go away. I am happy to report I have been able to continue playing on the worship team! God is good!
Thanks again for all of your support and faithfulness in showing up in our journey this past year. I was just reflecting on how at this time last year I was in chemo and not feeling well. What a gift health is! We seriously had so many gift cards and meals delivered, that we hardly cooked for 6 months straight! The grace of God and the community has been truly humbling. We are especially thankful for our church body. Thanks for showing up in our time of need.💗💗💗
Have a great week everyone! God bless!

Because He Lives,


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