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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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     So much progress has happened since coming to the Courage Center 5 weeks ago. I am glad to report that I am no longer using a wheelchair. I am pretty zippy on the walker and am working on mastering walking with the cane. A little over two months out from my injury/surgery and my recovery is going at lightning speed from a neuro-trauma perspective.

     I give a lot of credit to my occupational and physical therapists. Both of my OT's have told me that I am the fastest progressing client they have ever worked with. My OT (Jenny)  has been in this profession for 18 years. My PT (Sarah) who has been doing this for 7 years, advised me that I am in her top three fastest progressing clients. It's fun being the poster child for neuro-rehab. I am all the rage in the TRP (Transitional Rehab Program). 

     Mobility and sensation continues to improve incrementally yet drastically and will continue to improve in the upcoming months. All of the neuro-professionals I have worked with are confident that I will fully recover. I have been cleared for car transfers and got to visit home for the first time this weekend! Being in my house with Scott and Bizzy Bone (my cat) was a sweet sampling of normalcy. I am so looking forward to returning to this beautiful life of mine that I love so much. 

     In the weeks to come, I hope to become proficient with cane walking so I can bench the walker. Eventually I should be able to walk without the use of any assistive devices. In the meantime, as my body works through healing from this injury, I will stand tall and be grateful. I have overcome paralysis afterall... 

    My projected discharge date is mid-September. As I press on through this final countdown, I'll never forget where I began. In the beginning, not only did I not have any sensation or mobility in my legs, but I had very minimal mobility in my arms and hands. I had virtually no trunk control. My means of transport entailed a hoyer lift and two nursing aides. I was completely dependent on a wheelchair for mobility for a month and a half. Reflecting back on all of the adaptive and therapeutic equipment that became obsolete in my recovery, I am amazed.

     I marvel at the unwavering support of family and friends. To date, I have had 60 visitors since my injury. The abundance of love and support has upheld me. I am looking forward to returning to my home, job and life. Undoubtedly with a new found appreciation for all of it. There are so many good things instore. I will be thrilled to reunited with my fur children Matilda and Bizzy. I am excited beyond words to become an aunt this fall with the birth of my sister's baby girl. Of all there is to look forward to in life, there is something that I am looking forward to more than anything else... Stepping into the next chapter with my love, my rock, my crush, my best friend... Scott Ubongen. 

     Scotty has been by my side throughout all of this. His level of support is unprecedented. His character speaks for itself. He has been my most engaged and enthusiastic cheerleader for every milestone. This experience has bonded us deeply and profoundly. Being his lady and spoiling him with my talents and charms is my most important job. I can't wait to make him co-op inspired dinners and get him on my massage table for professional massages. I'm looking forward to going to karaoke bars and binge watching Game of Thrones with him. With my discharge from Courage Kenny, I will be stepping back into my life. Because of the love that has grown between us, I'm stepping into a life even more beautiful than I left it. Despite whatever fine tuning of my gait or neurologic return there is to come, my world has never been so inspired. 

In light, love and gratitude, 


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